Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday Question

 Do your parents have anything on your car like a window or bumper sticker to represent you?



  1. We have two stickers on the back window, one of a Griffon, and one of a Yorkie. Mommy has a Griffon charm on her key chain and Daddy has dogs tags on his key chain that belonged to dogs at the Bridge. One of them he has had since 1984.

  2. No, but our cats are smarter than any politician!

  3. We don't put anything on our vehicles.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  4. No, bummer - but we need to change that for sure.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. I had three magnets on the back of Cat Car I: Meow, Alien Kitty is Watching You, and a hippie peace sign.
    The Hubby removed them one day, ostensibly to drive it through a car wash, but they never went back on.
    They decorate the refrigerator now.

  6. No, Ma doesn't on her car, butts I gots Airedale stickers on MY truck! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  7. oooh oh course! we have a giant weimaraner sticker and a I love my weimaraner sign...

  8. We had a sticker that showed Fudge's title on the back window but Dad traded in that car. He did save the sticker for Mom. She has a sticker of a Portie to put on the new car. We also have decorated the inside windows with expressive nose art.

  9. I have lots of kitty magnets with cute sayings on my fridge. We don't put any on our cars.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Oh my..Mama has soooooo many magnets and stickers. The funniest is Shih-tzu Happens and her favorite is Wag More, Bark Less!

  11. long ago; de food servizz gurlz dad hada bumper sticker that red: my bulldog is smarter than your honor student ;) ☺☺♥♥♥♥

  12. Nope, unless a dead bug in the back window counts.

  13. My peep has one that says "My Scottie ate your stick family". Dougall might have done too, he loved food.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?