Is there anyone in your family who does not love pets, and how do your parents react to them?
Featuring the exploits of Ruby Rose, Foley Monster's Tails From Rainbow Bridge, and co-starring Angels Pocket and River Song. We always try to leave you between a laugh and a tear
On Saturday night, I was happily sleeping in my bed when I got up to get a drink. The next thing I knew, I found myself on the kitchen flo...
Comment by Angel Foley, Pocket, River Song 46 minutes ago
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Pocket: Not right now, but when Daddy's Mommy was alive she didn't like dogs at all. She used to complain that little five pound Pocket would bare her teeth at her. There were even rumors that she kicked a dog down the stairs when she was a kid. She denied it, but people there insisted she did. My parents took her fears with a grain of salt, but they never left us alone with her.
No. Though, Ma's SIL was scared of big dogs (that's when Ma had Angel Panda an Old English Sheepdog of 70lbs!), so Panda had to go in the backyard when she came overs. She just wasn't raised around animals, so I thinks that was most of the problem. Other than that, everyone looooooooves doggies! and kittehs, and burdies. Butts, if someone didn't LIKE anipals, then there is somethings seriously wrong with them, and they wouldn't be allowed in the house. 🙂
Ruby ♥
pees: I thinks your peeps were smart not to leaves you alone with your Gma 😲
we have such a cow, but we saw her da last time in... 2014? ...or was it 1814?
ReplyDeleteWe're pet lovers here. Every single family members loves pets. Dogs, cats, birds, lizards and the list goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous day. ♥
Mom says she wouldn't have married a man who didn't love dogs like she does. And our furless brothers love us, too. And Mom used to joke that our grandma loved Angel Lexi maybe even more than she loved her BOL! Lucy and Xena
ReplyDeleteWhen you have twelve dogs in the house you learn pretty quickly who the animal lovers are. We've weeded out the non dog people.
ReplyDeleteGail thought her brother did not like animals of any description, but somehow he ended up married to an animal lover and these days seems very happy with their one (was two) standard poodles and their horse!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know how much I loved animals, until we invited Celestial Angel and Chuck to live with us. Now, we'll never be with a furry friend...or three, more...and anyone who doesn't like it won't be invited over.
ReplyDeleteMy ghostwriter says that when she was growing up, they were never allowed to have a dog or a cat. Heaven forbid they track dirt into the house! GW didn't know anything about dogs when Old angel Charisma came to live here. But she learned fast. But we don't think anyone in the family actually disliked dogs.
ReplyDeleteNope, they wouldn't be welcome here if that was the case!
ReplyDeleteThe whole family here love pets, mostly dogs. But we DO have a bird, the grands have had hamsters in the past, and one of them now has a guinea pig who eats constantly. Mom would love to add a few more of us to the pack, but she says she is too old now:(
ReplyDeleteWoos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber