Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday Question

 What do you do that is guaranteed to raise a smile from your parents?

When I jump on Mommy when she is sitting down, climb up on her chest, stand within an inch of her face, and just stare, it always makes her laugh. I don't know why. I am being serious.


  1. Gail always smiles when I am playing boisterously (but nicely) in the park with one of my my cockapoo friends.

  2. She showers. I sit on the edge of the tub and paw back the shower curtain. I peek at her.
    She giggles. She spritzes water at me. I do not leave. She giggles again.

  3. Millie always gets a smile when she jumps up and gives a hug to either of our parents. Walter gets a smile when he is sleeping and his tongue sticks out because of his lost teeth in front.

  4. When a cat sniffs my hair, usually near enough to my ear that I hear little huffing sounds, and I giggle!

  5. This makes me miss our Angel Little Bit. She made us smile all the time.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. ♥

  6. I spin in circles for my meals. It makes her smile every single time☺

  7. Sunny: When I climb up and give Mama or Daddy little short tongue butterfly kisses!
    Rosy: When I sleep with my tongue peaking out

  8. Snuggling in close usually does it here!

  9. Every night at bedtime, we puppies ask for a treat, and then go straight into our crates, just like clockwork! Our humans think this is so funny!

  10. Mostly when we lie close to each other, but Mom also gives a big smile when we sleep upside down with our bellies begging for a nice rub-a-dub-dub:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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