Friday, June 23, 2023

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Bella the Dog who Traded Places

When humans let us go to the Bridge, they take on all our pain and guilt and carry that pain. It is a sacrifice we dogs never thought we could repay until Bella found a way.

Bella became known to us angels when her dad was diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney cancer. His prognosis was poor. Bella made sure she prayed every day, and in her dreams, she came to us begging that her father, the center of the family with four children, be spared.

But, it had been written that her dad's song was ending, and the Bridge awaited a new soul. It was a contract that could not be broken. Bella stayed with her dad through the illness, and she could tell he was fading away. It broke her heart to see him with his children, knowing how brokenhearted they would be when he left. Bella made a final offer to the Powers to save her dad.

Bella knew the Bridge wanted someone from her family to pass from kidney disease, and Bella offered up her body so her dad could stay with the family. The Powers had a long deliberation, but finally, they agreed to her terms.

Bella's dad was enthused when he started to feel better. He saw his best pal Bella slowing down and drinking much water, but he thought he was projecting his illness onto her.

Then two events happened within a day. Bella's dad went to the doctor and was told he was in complete remission, and then they took Bella to the vet to check on her decreased appetite and were stunned to find out that she had the same disease as her dad, and operating on her was not an option.

Bella had persuaded the Powers to let her take her father's place, so in this instance, she took in all her parent's pain and suffering and let him stay with his family.

As Bella grew worse, his father spent time with her, as she did with him. He knew she had arranged to take his place, but she did not let on; miracle workers never do.

When it was time for Bella to pass over, her father, before taking her sickness and pain from her, something he would carry for the rest of his long life, thanked Bella and gave him a sly smile before she passed.

Bella has been treated like a hero at the Bridge, where she as a dog who convinced the powers to take her. 


  1. Bella is the Angel the whole world needs.

  2. What a beautiful hero and tribute to Bella love Dallasband Belle Lawson

  3. What a beautiful sacrifice Bella made for her dad.

  4. My goodness, what a story, Bella was a very special dog.


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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