Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Ruby Rose Report: Riding In My Car


My siblings could have been better travelers. Blake, who predated us all, and was sadly only with my parents for five short years, was the best, happy to lie in the car, anxious to see where the trip would lead. While worried that she saw something, Foley learned from her and enjoyed the ride too. Unfortunately, this did not rub off on Pocket, who barked and whined every time the car slowed down, then River, who wanted to be in the front seat and would figure out how to get loose of any constraints put on her.

It was good for me to be trained by angels instead of living siblings. While Foley never felt a reason to be jealous, confident of her place in her family's heart, Pocket, then River, who learned from her, worried about losing their place on mom's lap and wanted it all the time, even in transport. It led to them being left home a lot.

But who could leave me home? I don't balk when left alone and must get in my crate. I like it in there when I am alone. It's my safe sport. And, when my parents come home, I don't bark to be let out. I know they have missed me and will open it soon. I am a dog comfortable in its wrinkly skin.

When first ride with my parents was from the airport the day I arrived. I was nervous, haven take trains, planes, and automobiles to get to my new family, and was on guard, not knowing what I had gotten myself into. I realized it was the best possible situation by the night's end.

The first time I accompanied my parents on their errands, I was in my crate, which I liked, but it was awkward getting me in and out, so they switched to a bag, which I wouldn't say I wanted because it wasn't big enough for me to stretch out. I was happy to go but wished I wasn't in steerage.

This week everything changed. My dad bought a tether from the seat belt to my travel harness. They tried it with River, but she kept fighting to get in the front seat. That seemed like a lot of effort, so I laid down in the back, chewed some toys, and enjoyed the ride.

When I got home, without a yip of complaint, and a meaningful thrust, I was told I was a good girl and got a treat for doing nothing!

This doing nothing thing may be a great way to get treats without effort.

I am on to something here.


  1. you are the perfect passenger!!! yay! we tried to become the pilot and the co-pilot, therefore they attached bars! now we have a rolling jail...

  2. Well done Ruby. I too am always super well behaved in the car. It's the best way to be as then you get taken out on lots of fun adventures. Works for me, anyway.

  3. You are such a smart girl, Ruby. Walter is a nervous nelly whenever he leaves home, and Millie is always as cool as a cucumber. Most of the time we get left at home together when our parents leave the house, and we like it just like that.

  4. What a can do attitude, Ruby!! The parents say we are funny...we stress in the car, especially Sunny, but in our RV we just lay down and sleep.
    We are smart pups, and know we never go anywhere stressful in the RV...but the groomer and vet are usually the destination when we are in the car!
    Rosy(and Sunny)

  5. Ruby Rose you certainly have it made getting a treat because you are good in the car. Hugs Dallas and Belle Lawson

  6. You're a great car traveler, Ruby, and you'll get to go again and again. I like barking at dogs along the way and it whigs mom out so I don't get a fun car ride very often.

  7. We're glad to hear that you enjoy riding in the car now. We thought about our cousin (and angel) Angus the border terrier who came all the way from the UK to follow his humans when they moved to N Carolina. Rosie and Baby could some more riding in the car experience, but we really haven't done any travelling since the pups arrived here.

  8. WOW, you are on to something, doing nothing with treats is amazing!

  9. You're right about that Ruby Rose. When I am a good girl (meaning doing nothing that always got me in trouble) I can often score a treat, too! XOXOX Chia


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