Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday Question


What do your parents do if you have a loose bowel movement?

  1. A) Figure Sh, it happens
  2. B) Decide to make chicken and rice until it clears up
  3. C) Call a very for advice
  4. D) Rush you to the vet for treatment
  5. E) Go on the Internet to find out about diarrhea
  6. F) Watch your next bowel movement coming out like a captain on Deadliest Catch watching a crab pt surface to see if it is full
  7. H) Pray
  8. I) Render garments and speak in tongues

Ruby's Answer: At some point, all of them


  1. Gail can't remember me ever having diarrhoea, but with previous dogs it's mostly been 1 2, and 6.
    PS from Gail - given the things Nobby puts in his mouth when we're out and about, it's remarkable that so far he hasn't suffered from this complaint. Long may it continue. As a puppy, he did vomit quite a lot, so I guess he got rid of the bad stuff before it reached the other end ..

  2. we have the d-parents... not good for the vet... he has problems now to find a place for the 6 ferraris he bought from the money of the d-people...

  3. Ruby, we only hope that you are well.
    Although, speaking in tongues might boost everyone's morale...*wink*

  4. If we have a poop problem our parents usually don't overreact the first time and wait and see about the next time, but if the "business" is more like soup then we get denied a meal and then start on Science ID as long as we don't have more loose poop.

  5. All of the above here too. Some of those made me chuckle.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. When we had Toto the mighty mini dachshund the answer was lean ground beef browned and drained mixed with rice. I declare that dog could find them most disgusting things outside to make himself have a upset tummy just to get the cure.
    With our Cats we'd give it 24 hours then call the vet. Both indoor cats so nothing they ate as a rule.

    Hugs cecilia

  7. da tabbies o trout towneOctober 17, 2023 at 1:34 PM

    ruby…..we hope ewe R knot sufferin frum looze stool….yeow…we haz hurd pumpkin…pure stuff …knot like pie which sux like a vacuum ma sheen….but pure pumpkin…helpz lotz :)

  8. Ruby, my mom calls the vet for stuff like that and if I don't wind up having to go's probiotics.

  9. All above sounds right, but honestly, they just panic!

  10. Lightning has the best poops ever. Big, formed, relatively dry and easy to pick up. Misty is perpetually loose and bloody - it is what it is. And Timber occasionally has some loose poops, but it clears up after a day or two of prilosec:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. The huskies are great on that end! But sometimes a bit yucky on the other end! It's always something!


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