Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday Question

This may be hard for your parents, and takes some imagination, but what do you dream about?

I dream that I am a big, mighty dog, who commands respect, and snuggle all day with my even bigger and mightier mom. 



  1. I dream that I live in a big house in the countrywith all my fox terrier friends and relatives and we get to run around and play together all day and every day.

  2. we dream about being dragons who rule the world... and about sardines in oil

  3. we like ta dreem oh endlezz shelvez oh canned goodz…and that we iz lionz, N tigers but knot bearz :)🐟💙‼️

  4. Simon says he often dreams that there's another stranger at the door!

  5. Angel Little Bit would dream of hunting. She loved to hunt. Never caught anything, but loved the hunt.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. ♥

  6. I tend to have really vivid dreams that sometimes involve cars.....just really vivid but of course I can't remember any right now

  7. I recently had the weirdest dream ever. All the full dream. What I remember I was in a room...I looked up toward the ceiling all of a sudden a monkey with the sweetest face poked his head out at me. C R A Z Y Right.
    At least it a sweet monkey
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Lightning: Those scary bikes and scooters and skateboards and strollers that torment me on my walkies.

    Timber: Finally succeeding in catching a darn squirrel.

    Misty: Havind a meal filled with any thing and everything, and not just the dumb prescription food I am restricted to.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Monday Question

  How do you do at eating? Do you eat it all or do you graze? Are you food aggressive? Do you eat a diet food? Do you have any food quir...