Thursday, December 28, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

Nana and Papa brought in the New Year with cheer

And with full hearts, confident there was nothing to fear

They had forgotten they had said the same the last New Year

When they both had several times shed a tear


They did the same when they met on New Year’s Eve ‘72

When their love was sweet and new

By ’73, inflation had brought them many bills past due

And two babies filled with snot and poo


They did the same in ‘78.

The year Papa lost his job because with staff he was inappropriate

They lost their house and lived in a tent on the median of the interstate

But they rang in ’79, fully believing this year would be great.



In ’84, Nana found work.

And not a boring one like her husband, the clerk

She was a stripper and invented the twerk.

But the owner patented the dance, the greedy jerk.


The twins graduated from school in 91

And left their parents for a life of fun

They went on a quick bank run

And were each sentenced to ten years for trying to rob it with a machine gun


Despite their troubles, they gladly celebrated New Year’s Eve

Even in 2002, when the managed of their apartment house told them they had to leave

In 2007, when a diagnoses of Ebola, they did receive

In 2009, when their daughter left them with a tween, they still did not believe


They were happy through 2014 when their house was washed away by bad weather

And in 2016, when Americans decided Trump was better

Or this year, when their skin turned to brutal leather

They celebrated every year because, despite their misfortunes, they were together



  1. Loved your 'take' on that image!! LOL! And still it's also sweet! Being together is so important, right?!

  2. We love the message of your poem. Love will keep us together!

  3. Despite of what happened over the years, they are still together! Sweet! Juno and mom

  4. Being together thru thick and thin is impawtant
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Ditto! That was great; we can endure a lot in life if we have loved ones to help bear the burdens.

    My very best to you all for a wonderful 2024!


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