Thursday, March 7, 2024

Poetry Thursdsy


fAngel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton has provided the pictute below for this week's inspiration. 

Lower taxes he did promise.

His words were meant to calm us

I hate to be a doubting Thomas

But I think our new Senator did con us.


He said he would repeal Obama Care

And in his first day he ran through the Russell Building in his underwaare

That made me think I should beware

Especially when he wore tissue boxes as footware.


He kept his promises, like the one about a chicken in every pot

But they were alive and had pooped in the pot a lot.

He said we would own our own yacht

But his behaviior made all promises for naught.


As soon as he took office he ravaged the country’s funds.

He caused massive inflation, and sold our enemies guns.

He got the secretary of state pregnant and flashed her grandson.

It is a mystery why he caused the fleeing of the holy nuns.


He put the country on the path to war

By ordering Canada invaded by the marine corps

And in an effort to show strentgth to those he did abhor

He meant to take out China and blew up Singapore


He pulled out, leading to the dissolution, of NATO

He appointed an interim ttorney General named Kalen Kato

He put all his ideas in a manifesto.

And labled all those against him a RHINO.


His constintutes he didn’t respect

And his needs he did neglect

And maybe in time we will reflect

On why we are working so hard to reelect









  1. oooh that is the word of our time... we love that!!!

  2. Tissue boxes for shoes? A new one on me!

  3. We also wonder why some people think it's a good idea to try to reelect such a horrible person.

  4. Clapping and standing with glee this was funny
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. HA! That was good and very timely too!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?