Friday, April 26, 2024

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge - Molly the Relunctant Angel


I have been at the Bridge, performing my duties as a judge, including swearing in new members, for 13 years. You would think a dog transitioning to the Bridge would not surprise me, but when Molly the Airedale passed I was stunned.

I knew our friend was suffering from dementia, which manifested itself by causing her to chew her paws, to the point that they were bloody and raw. My last contact with her was last Tuesday when she helped her Mommy make something delicious, and then, after a period with no paw chewing, Molly began again.

I planned on checking with Molly with a group of angels the next morning to try and encourage her not to chew, but only one angel appeared, Molly’s brother Mitch, and when I saw him, I knew Molly was on her way.

Molly, appeared, on the ghost side of the River of Life, near the Bridge, which she had to cross, or be sentenced to an eternity on the mortal side, where she would appear as a ghost, but never know love again, which is why Mitch ran over to the other side, and brought his sister to the immortal side.

We could both tell that Molly for the first time in months that she could think clearly and wanted to go back, even if it meant taking back all the pain and going back to existing in the fog that had plagued her in the final days.

“I pledged to my mom that I would never leave her,” a teary-eyed Molly insisted. “For richer and poorer, through sickness and in health.”

“You are forgetting the words added to the pet version, first to death do us part, followed by ‘and after that,” I explained. This was just a pause in the mother and dog relationship, and when they are reunited the worries and illnesses that had plagued them would be gone, and there is nothing ahead but joy.

Molly nodded, but her thoughts were on her mom, who had lost much more than a dog: A friend, a therapist, a companion, a soul mate, and the one constant in her life, always home, waiting to see her, exploding with joy each time she got home, and keeping the love flowing between them. Without Molly, that love, which always needs to move, stagnates in her, causing crippling pain.

It was Mitch who told Molly why she had to go to the Bridge. “If Mom only had one dog in her life, it wouldn’t be either of us, and we would have lived sad, long lives. But, by cutting down our life spans, we give other dogs the chance to love our mom. It is our gift to other dogs.”

Molly nodded, understanding her situation, and slowly accepting it. Mitch told her there were two important duties before her: One was to find a new dog for their mom so that the love stuck inside her could move again, and the other was to play like puppies.

They began zooming together like they had when they were kids.

For every passing, there is a reunion, which is as happy as the passing is sad.

Their running together was a sign of better days to come.

I hope for Molly’s mom the better days come quickly and ease the greatest pain of all.

It is dark now, but light and happiness always win.

At least on the immortal side.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautifully expressed. Molly's mom has been in our thoughts a lot this week and we hope this post brings her some comfort.
    Nobby (and Gail).

  3. The is absolutely beyond beautiful and I almost made it to the end without crying and now I'm in a heap on the floor. Thank you for this. It means a lot to me♥

  4. What a lovely tribute to Molly. We're glad to hear she has been reunited with her brother Mitch.

  5. Hugs and kisses to you, and to Molly and her Mom. Katie and I understand fully.

  6. You are so wonderful to help the Angels' humans try to heal. We are happy that Molly was persuaded by her brother Mitch that it was OK for her to accept her new life, and we are sure she found her sister Maggie there too. The three of them were treasures to their mom for so many years. If it is meant to be, we know that Molly will be successful with her mission.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. This made me cry too but boy, I can see Molly and Mitch romping joyfully!

  8. Thank you so very much again for this. The link is now on Molly's blog so that I can read it again and again and again♥

  9. This is probably the most pawsome post EVER summing up our crossing - getting our wings and/or Silver Harnesses -

    NAILED it!

    As I know my mom reminds evFURRYone....this is the promise they make to us from the day they bring us home - and despite knowing this will happen, they still choose US to enter their lives to fill all of THOSE spots - and she also says it's not's just...fur now

    And I know my mom is encouraging NAM & NAM & NAM's mom to honor all the NAM's with another canine in the house!


  10. Have always cared so much for Sue and her Molly, our words do little to soften her loss and her hurt ~ yours come so very close. We always know their time with us will be short, it doesn't help though does it, though comfort can come when others tell stories such as this that offer a measure of peace and a little smile, thank you.

  11. We were also so stunned about the loss of Molly. We are glad, that even with her heavy heart, she has found her place at the bridge. May all of us who loved her, especially her wonderful mom, find peace in our broken hearts. Lee and Phod

  12. My goodness me this is absolutely the most lovely and perfect post for our AireGALE Molly. You have a most amazing gift of writing about very comforting to all who have lost a beloved furry friend
    Hugs and many hugs to all the heavenly angels

  13. That was so beautiful. A tribute and a comfort too. Thanks for helping ease some of Sue's pain and sorrow.


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?