Monday, April 1, 2024

Monday Question

 How large a trip hazard are you?

Tripping Man | ClipArt ETC

I am a very high trip hazard.

I closely follow my parents. When they turn around they often tip over me.


  1. We all make great speed bumps along the path in the house the peeps want to follow. And like you we are often right on their heels unbeknownst to them. Mom keeps reminding Dad not to walk backwards when he wants to turn around but to make a full circle so he doesn't fall over us.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Actually I am pretty good after staying out of the way. Apparently Gail's first dog, Hamish the Westie, was one serious trip hazard. Gail wondered if she should take out extra insurance whenever a workman entered the house.

  3. We mainly become trip hazards when our mom is in the kitchen cooking. Just like the OP packs dad, our mom makes sure to turn around instead of walking backwards so she doesn't trip over Walter.

  4. Manny and CB tend to dart in front of me, making me stutter-step.
    They also stretch out on their hind legs to paw at the counter as I'm mixing up their food; some day, some cat is gonna get a full bowl spilled over themself!

  5. The kitchen is the worst room for a trip hazard as I am always in it when mom is and then there is the issue of my weaving from side to side while walking. Mom needs to watch me at all times or else.

  6. ona scalez oh one ta ten, eye wood be a 1,500. catz like ta zoom
    up frum bee hind 🙀😺‼️💙🐟

  7. Squeaker is our trip hazard. Lil' Bit knows to not get under our feet, but Squeaker doesn't have a clue. We are ever watchful.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  8. Yep, us too...VERY high trip hazards!
    Rosy & Sunny


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