Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday question

What do your parents hate to clean the most?
Something you caught?
Defluffed toys
Some else?

Ruby's answer: My Mommy doesn't like cleaning poop, Our floors are slanted at a little poop can make a mighty river.


  1. the mama said as long as it is something we dogs left, it is ok for her.... LOL

  2. Gail says poop is ok so long as it's not runny.....

  3. We don't allow (toxic) pest control in our apartment, but neighbors do. So sometimes those nasty critters coming running here when those fumes shoo them away ~ of course, JUNE serves as a far better "pest control manager" in her own special way. Her method those is not catch-and-kill, it's play-to-pay until boredom sets in. Though I appreciate her efforts, I don't like cleaning up the bloody messy bits and pieces and parts she tends to scatter about and leave behind when play time is over . . .

  4. I have never caught anything yet but that would be the one!

  5. With kitties the worst clean up is hair balls which are not balls at all. Should be called hair logs.
    That being said the worst clean up for me now is D U S T!
    I hate dusting
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Ruby, can't say that I hate to clean anything left from Da Boyz, but Sweetie left snot on the window and it wasn't easy to clean off.

  7. HA! Barf is not a fun thing at our place!

  8. That awrents say they have been doing it so long they are immune to all our messes!
    Rosy & Sunny

  9. ruby….hurled pate with chunkz oh swallowed hole kibble rankz rite up ther 😳🙀‼️

  10. Dad never cleans up anything. And for Mom, it is definitely poop, especially when it is discovered first thing in the morning.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. I guess poop too. Not really all that bad. They are our babies and we clean up after them.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥


Beat this caption

Sadly, Woody called the dog Bullseyee one took many times and even with a new sewing machine Andy’s mom could not repair him