Friday, October 11, 2024

Ruby Rose's Nature Friday Fall 2024

I haven''t done a garden report since July, when everything was growing, because in mid-August through the end of September so many blooms went to sleep.

October brings us the survivors, who braved the high heat of late summer, then the cooling temperatures and lessening daylight of the early fall.

Also there are the late bloomers, like this Shasta Daisy, who oversle;pt, arrived late, and is making up for it as we steer into Columbus Day.

Like a monster unleashed after years of being submerged in the ocean, the Hydrangea has taken over River’s garden overshadowing the butterfly bush. In November, when it stop \s blooming, Daddy is going to try to cut it back, once his insurance payment is caught up. 

The remaining flowers have been relocated to Foley’s Garden, which gets the most sunlight and is easily kept watered.

 The chrysanthemums are new, three of them are doing well, and the fourth went to live in a garden upstate, or at least that is what I have been told.

The winner of the garden season are the New Guinea impatiens, planted five months ago, and still going strong.

It is dark half the time now so we need to leave a light on if the plants, or Saint Anthony want to read

Now for the bad news, scarecrows have taken over the front garden. I don’t walk that way. I have walked with enough spirits lately


And finally, when night falls, River’s garden lights up like it is the Fourth of July in Asbury Park.

 I have declared this year’s gardens very successful and soon I will start planning next year’s garden.

Until then I will visit the flowers in my dreams. 


  1. Your gardens are beautiful, Ruby, and the impatiens that we see on our walks are still going strong too!

  2. That was a good report and everything sure does look nice. You should be really proud of your garden!

  3. You sure have lots of beautiful flowers still blooming in your garden, Ruby Rose.

  4. Very nice!
    Our lily entertains us with a bloom or two -
    And the volunteer tomato keeps supplying us - there was even a another flower on the plant this week -


  5. First and foremost I love all your garden festive lighting.
    Today is going to be our last warm fall day for a while.
    81 for a high but OMDs next week mornings in the 30's.
    Hugs Ruby Rose

  6. All the gardens are so pretty. We like the Halloween visitors and the festive lights, but most especially we loved St. Francis all aglow.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Beautiful blooms and I love the Halloween decor. XO

  8. Excellent report - your gardens are awesome Still so colourful!

  9. the gardens are beautiful what a lovely way to remember your precious angels Hugs Dallas and Belle

  10. The gardens are so beautiful!! Thanks for sharing them with us!

    Rosie and Redford


Beat this caption

Sadly, Woody called the dog Bullseyee one took many times and even with a new sewing machine Andy’s mom could not repair him