Sunday, June 30, 2013

Toby is Foley Monster's June 30, 2013 Pup of the Week

This week my Pup of the Week is another miracle dog.  His name is Toby, or Tobo the Hobo, a young, peaceful pit bull who was living with his Mom until the unthinkable happened, and then, when all hope was lost, a miracle occurred.

I am unclear on the details (even from up here I don’t see everything) but Toby got away from his house.  He was exploring his neighborhood when an unidentified man saw him.  A neighbor of Toby’s saw the man coax Toby into his car.  The man then tried to sell Toby to a known breeder of pit bulls in the area who was raising them for their worst traits and not their many beautiful ones.  

Toby’s Mom reported the dognapping to the police but the policeman she talked to was not very interested in doing his job.  He told her that it was not a police problem but a civil matter and he refused to investigate it.  Toby’s Mom thought this was the end of the matter but her social network friends told her not to put up with this foolishness and to go back to the police station and demand Toby’s disappearance be investigated.

She went back to the station and this time talked to a Sgt. Perron.  He assured Toby’s Mom that he would personally investigate the matter.  He found the home of the man who stole Toby and Sgt Perron sat outside his house for an hour watching, but did not see a dog.  He then knocked on the door and the dognapper answered but he said he did not have, nor had ever had, a dog on the premises.    It appeared to Sgt Perron that the man who already sold Toby.  While she was not surprised the news left his poor Mom devastated.  She was planning to put up flyers but she knew hope of ever seeing her baby again was slim.

And then a miracle for the ages occurred.  One morning his Mom had to get up at 3:30 because Toby’s Dad was going to work at 5:00.  Usually, once he leaves, she goes back to bed, but she wasn’t feeling well this particular morning, and decided to stay awake.  Believing that some of God’s natural light would make her feel better she went to the bedroom window and opened it so the sunshine could come in.  It was 6:27 AM.   Standing outside the window was her friend Kim, who she had not seen in three months.   She knew something of great urgency had occurd and she went to her front door to speak to her friend.

Kim told her that she found a pittie.  She thought is was her friends Paco’s dog but it wasn’t and she didn’t know what to do with it.  She knew that Toby’s Mom had pitties, in fact she didn’t even know Toby was missing, and thought his Mom would know what to do with the bruised and battered pit she found on the side of the road.

Toby’s Mom fell to her knees.  She knew it was Toby before she got the the car.  She rose up, and walked to the car sobbing and she saw Toby.  The chances that Toby would be found by a friend of his Mom’s who would bring his Mom without even knowing he was missing are unfathomable.  

Toby, against all odds, was home.  No one knows what hell he went through but the vet found evidence that Toby had been chained up in a yard because of the marking from the choke collar, and scrapes on his back showing he had escaped from under a fence.

So never stop believing in miracles, and if you need proof of one it is Toby, back where he belongs, against all odds.


  1. What a miracle!! That poor dog. We're so happy he's back home...but so sad that he had to go through that.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Brilliant and we are pleased Toby escaped and was found and eventually came home. Hooray. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. This was a true miracle.a dream come glad Toby is home safe and sound.

  4. This was a true miracle.a dream come glad Toby is home safe and sound.

  5. This was a true miracle.a dream come glad Toby is home safe and sound.

  6. This was a true miracle.a dream come glad Toby is home safe and sound.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?