Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dozens of Angels are Foley Monster's JUne 16, 2013 Pups of the Week

Here I am at a Bridge named after a Rainbow
Where all pups who leave this Earth go
They are angels now, but your face you did know
Here to say the all still love you so

Next to me lays PJ
Who has been pestering me to let his Mom knows he says hey
And now he is off to play
Like he did back in the day

Off in the distance is Sierra
Who loves her Mom forever
She wishes her time to leave had been never
Now she works hard to protect her for terror

Next to her is Baron also known as Bear
Oh the two of them are quite a pair
Knowing a pup like Bear is rare
Wise, noble, happy and fair

And here is Angel Keri
Softly nibbling on a cherry
She tries to visit her Mom and make her merry
And wants she loves her very

Behind me is my mentor Tanner Bub
At Rainbow Bridge he is the hub
At night we party in his hot tub
He loves his Mom like a bear loves it’s cub

With him is his wife Sophie
She is beautiful and not just a trophy
When I feel bad she doesn’t let me get mopey
And she straightens me out when I feel dopey

With them is Tanner’s brother Ruger Ru
If you met him you would never ask who?
We love all the things he has us do
He came here as a puppy and we always be new

Then there is an angel named Angel
Whose love for her Mom is able to tell
She gives us kisses and wishes us well
Her love for us makes us want to yell

Flying high above is Megan
When I started to fly it’s with her I began
When I took my angel oath she did the swearing in
She is one of the best friends that has ever been

And here is her sister Molly.
Be careful her flying is sometimes folly
I love seeing her she makes me jolly
She likes to kiss me and call me Dolly

And here too is her sister Promise
She is always her with a sweet kiss
I know that it is their Mom that they miss
They are three girls I love to call sis

The flight school teacher is Ladybug
She wanted it mentioned for Max to give her Mom a hug
Her heart is so big boats on the river don’t need a tug
And she’s the only one who knows where all the bones are dug.
One of the most important dogs here is Moses.
He keeps the grass green because he’s in charge of the hoses
Each morning she comes and gives us kisses on our noses
She loves to send her Mommy lots of roses

I was so happy to finally meet Buttons
Playing with her is nothing but funs
Together we play and go on long runs
I have found out I love her tons

I was also pleased to meet Barge
That is one dog whose heart is large
When I am tense he give me a nice massage
And to the Bridge he provides safe passage

I also met Rusty
He is a Rainbow Bridge trustee
He so gentle, wouldn’t hurt a flea
He told me to say he misses his Mommy

And of course there was Morgan
Oh how it was nice to see him again
He greets me every day with a big grin
Me and him are like kin

Also so Jackie Pool and her dog Sage
I was so happy to be able to meet Jackie and engage
She is so loved here she is all the rage
Of her I could write page after page

And with them was Pepsi and his Mom
She called to me and for the first time ever I did come
She held me and kept me warm
And promised to keep me from any hard

Watching over me are Leo’s siblings Purina and Bear
Nothing happens to me that they are not aware
Like Leo when I am with them I know I am in good care
I love them both, they are so fair.

Did I not mention Angel Lovey
Who is very belovedy
Of her we are very proud of Lovey
And her love we are undeserving ofey

Also there is sweet Gizmo
When she wants to play I can’t so no
She doesn’t want to stop it’s go, go, go,
Even when I get tied and say woe

And here is my old friend Smartie
Who now is quite hardy.
I like to visit her cloud where he is always pouring Barcardi
At Smartie’s house it is always time to party

On the first day I go my angel bandanna from Bauser
He runs so fast now he is a blur
He is so important when he goes to see his Mom her gets a chauffer
His Mom is the one he is most likely to prefer

Up running came Buck
He had just caught a duck
I was in luck
More than a few pieces I snuck
Behind him was Jake
Who had been playing in a lake
He was now licking a big piece of cake
He gave me a piece to take

I heard a howl above and saw Stacey Mae
Now that made may day
She was big but didn’t make me run away
I have a shady spot and under her I lay

That’s when I saw Remington
Looking bigger than the sun
Running and playing, so much fun
He didn’t look like he would ever be done

Later on I met Reba
Driving by in a new sports car
We went for a ride and she told me about he Ma
She had so many stories we drove so far

With us was Amber
She kept me warm with her wonderful fur
She kept saying, of her Mom, I love her
And she knows she still makes her hear stir

The along came Charlie
Riding on his Harley
He took us to a party
Where we drank Foleytinis until for bed time we were tardy

The next morning I was awoken by Lady
Going golfing with her favorite caddy
She wanted to be remembered to mommy and Daddy
And doesn’t want them to act sadly

And here is Lily’s sister Holly
She is a cute as a dolly
So sweet and so jolly
Her family’s love for her was not folly

Proud and noble is Fitzchen
A real gentleman who likes to read in his den
A true man among men
His spirit makes me gather paper and pen

I like to spend time in a sun room with Mollie
She is truly a real beauty
Her Mommy misses her and going forward seemed like a duty
But Mollie helped her find a sweet Sophie

And then I go to see a dog named Moe
His parents were so sad to see him go
They cried and said no, no, no
But Moe tells them she’s fine, not to worry, and it is so

Behind him is his friend Gizmo
Last week Gizmo was named best in show.
Gizmo is a great friend, never a foe
Gizmo is one of the finest angels I know

I was visited at breakfast by Sparkman
In a few short days I have become a big fan
He wants his Mom to know he will see her again
And he comes to see her when he can
Just running past was Jilly Girl
She dipped and dived and even did a swirl
She asked me if I wanted to give it a whirl
I smiled at her and my tail did curl

There is my Yorkie friend Meeka
When she left Mom her eyes were leakers
But she should know up here Meeka is at her Peaka
And it’s her heart that everyone seekers

From the Dogs of Brazil there is Emmy
She is still saving dogs and setting them free
She is so happy here, her Mom, we wish you could see
She just stopped to take a snooze under a tree

And here is my old friend Teddie Bond
He is one of the best friend I have found
We have been playing very hard making on you the rain pound
Lord give us the ability to make our playing decisions sound

Of course I have not forgotten Star
Who still loves her Mom from afar
I love to play with her, we laugh and go ha
When she walks by all the dogs cheer ra

And down by the barn is Old Pup
Who lived in a barn and came out for sup
His Mom wouldn’t know him, he has so much hurry up
And he now runs around like a young pup

Running by the stream is my old friend Snicker
Whose love for her Mom does more than flicker
Here she romps and is a real squirrel kicker
And when it comes to roses she is quite a picker

Overhead flew a bird named Gimpy
There are birds here, some makes us happy
Gimpy was well loved, no birdie lackey
She makes us smile, no sad sackey

I was asked to check up Dakota
Whose Mom still cries on a supportive shoulder
He says his love for her is bigger than a boulder
And he will come and sleep near her when it gets colder

There is are old friend Jack
It is good that I can see him back
He was such an important members of his pack
On being a good boy, he sure had the knack

And here come my old friend 12
How I missed him, I no longer dwell
He loves you so much, he want my Mom to tell
And he wants to say he is doing well

Come sit near my my old friend Biskit
So charming, so funny, so full of wit
That you are next to me, well, your Mom will have a joyful fit
Since you’ve been gone her heart’s been in a pit

And who can forget Apollo
Our heart hurt so much when we went we could not swallow
But he says in pain we must no longer wallow
The thunder is his howling so watch out below
Running by faster than a pony is Doxie
As happy as any dog can be
She wants to make sure her Mom sees
That Doxie will never be far from me

I did not forget Fuzzy Bacon
Far too long her has been gone
But he still misses his Mom
He hopes his siblings keep her calm

Together running and playing are the Malatesta Six
Taken from this Earth by someone quit sick
Brandon came up to me and said “Quick
let’s go down, see me Mommy, and give her a big lick”

I did not know him on Earth but it is wonderful to meet Hershey
To meet him there is not anything I would not pay
He wanted to make sure there was one thing I did say
When his Mom is sleeping at night Hershey sleeps down and does lay

Here are Chelsea and Ashton’s family Samantha and Ashley
Who run around and play with glee
They are so happy to be pain free
I love when they play with me

From England come my friend Lucy
She loves to chase after the goosey
Sometimes she spends all night getting boozy
When I spend the night with her I get woozy

Another pup I had not met as Fred
He used to love to sleep with his Mom in bed
He told me that he wanted it said’
That if he could it would be his Mom he would wed

But I could never forget Kenya
So smart he is in the Bridge Mensa
But he is so nice when I say something wrong he never says “told ya”
Even after all these years, for him his Mom is gaga

Plus there is a Bear named Honey
Right now she is chasing a bunny
I love barking at her, so funny
She is still loved by her Mommy

So sweet and peaceful did I find Cooper
He isn’t angry, he is doing super
He is sorry he put Mom in such a stupor
His love for her is super dooper  

Here is Paco’s brother Snoopy
Who’s heart is never droopy
We like to party and go whoop to dee
Every days with him is a party

Sitting up in the tree is kitty Oreo
She jumps branch to branch singing “oh boy here we go”
She says there’s one thing for Mom to know
She still loves putting on a show

I have been told I am needed in the courtroom
I hope hearing from your Angels sent you over the moon
If I forgot someone, let me know, and I will rhyme of them soon
Thanks for reading, I hope I sang in tune


  1. But you get by with a little help from your friends... That was the song in my mind when reading this... Thank you, sweet girl, for the messages of love from the bridge. And tell Ted he'd better behave 'til I get there to line him out! Love you, you silly Yorkie-Girl. And love to Pocket Monster...

  2. That was so sweet--thanks for the update on the Angels you've met.

    Waiting to hear of some of your important courtroom duties....

  3. Oh Foley...this was a lovely update and thanks for including my girl, Amber<3

  4. Oh Foley...this was a lovely update and thanks for including my girl, Amber<3

  5. That was so nice, Be sure & tell my Doxie that mom has not forgot him & she loves him so much <3

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  9. This post was so special. Foley, you sure are getting around to meet everyone. And we are so thankful to you for letting us know all our furiends are safe and well.

  10. I love what you did by mentioning Dogs in Brazil. Thank you so much. May I get a mention of my cat Chronoz aka Pony. We lost him due to extreme allergies. I believe he is on the bridge happy healthy eating what he wants and no more cone 24/7.

  11. Again I think this is so beautiful, remembering all the wonderful & precious furkids. I am sure all our furkids who were at the Bridge earlier were there to greet Foley. Thank you so very much for remembering my Doxie, I miss him so much every day


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?