Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015 Pup of the Week: Angel Simon and the True Meaning of Rainbow Bridge

Angel Simon.JPG
Have you ever heard of that Benjamin Button movie?  It’s about this Daddy who lives his life backwards.  Life on the Immortal side of the River can be like living life backwards, at least when it comes to mortal life.  We meet someone after their mortal lives ends, learn how they crossed the river, and slowly learn about their lives backwards.  The last story we hear is about their birth litter.

I met Angel Simon at the beginning of the year.  He had spent 16 years on the mortal side, quite a long time, his latter years spent with his young Mom.  They had a very strong bond and both were having difficulty being without one another.  I sent Simon into his Mom’s dreams to tell her the right to people to reach out to over the Internet for comfort and I made sure Simon met the right pups to help him after they lost their Doggyspace home.

Simon’s beloved Mom Emily was not his first Mom.  He lived with a family for nine years.  Then that family got a new dog.  Simon and the new dog did not get along.  Inexplicably the family turned Simon over to a rescue.  The poor boy was lost.  But it turned out to be the best thing to happen to him.

A short time later he was saved, and in turn saved his Mom who had recently lost the grandmother who helped raise her and her childhood dog.  Hs Mom said their eyes locked and it was love at first sight.  They were inseparable.  They went to the same places, and they slept on the same bed, and when Simon could no longer climb on the bed it was gone.  His Mom put her mattress on the floor where the two happily snuggled together.

I don’t know the circumstances of their parting.  I do know it was sudden and Simon was in discomfort.  The vet had to help him go.  But the memories of their separation are still too fresh for both of them.  And it may be that way forever.  But that’s OK.  The end isn’t important.  It is all the love that came before the end that matters.

Simon spends most of his day watching over his Mom.  He is learning some angel tricks.  He is entering her dreams and his presence is so strong she can remember them in the morning.  He also leaves behind some of his hair as a reminder that he was just home.

But mostly Simon spends his day lying in the grass thinking of his Mom and somewhere his Mom is thinking about him.  One day I was watching him, and the sun reached the perfect point in the sky, and extending from Simon and going high in the air all the way to his Mom was the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen.  And Simon made me realize why it is called Rainbow Bridge.  When we are thinking about how much we love our parents, and our parents are thinking about how much they love us, we create a rainbow and said rainbow is how Rainbow Bridge got it’s name.

After that I began noticing more rainbows rising out of my friends and heading off to maintain that unbreakable bond between parent and child.  

Those of you on the mortal side of the River, if you see a rainbow, know that one of your Bridge babies is thinking of you, and it is creating this beautiful multicolored bridge made of love, and remember Angel Simon who taught me what rainbows are. 


  1. What a beautiful face ...thank you for this lovely message. We will be on the look out for rainbows.

  2. We truly believe that about rainbows. They are the special links that link us to those no longer with us but always in our hearts.

  3. We will ALWAYs remember this when we see a rainbow, and it will bring my momma's heart a some peace. Thank you. Stella Rose

  4. Oh My this made our mom cry. Mom stills struggles with the loss of Greta, she was just too young to go. But she sees little signs that Greta is sending her and now we also know about the rainbows - thank you!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. We will remember that when we see a rainbow!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. I still love this. Also that is such a beautiful pic of my baby. He knew love, that's for sure. Thank you!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?