Sunday, May 24, 2015

Reese, Kole and Angel Meika are our May 24, 2015 Pup of the Week

Kole and Reese 11205232015.jpg
We think our parents would be used to it..  The vomiting, the unexplained sudden weight loss, the loss of appetite, and the inability to explain what is going on inside..  It happens to us dogs a lot.  But when it happens to one of our parents it is much scarier.  We are hindered by our inability to communicate.  Since humans have no such hindrances when no one knows what is wrong with them it is very troubling.

It has been a week since Reese, Kole, and Angel Meika’s Uncle Rob, one of their two Dads, has shown such symptoms.  He lies tonight in a hospital in St. Louis, seven hours away from his family, with no answers, and the cause of much worry.

Rob has been sick for some time but he has been managing his illness until last week.  In the past years he has spent many nights in the hospital and has had operations.  

There is nothing scarier for a dog then when one of their parents is missing.  Since Rob found him abandoned on the street a year ago Kole has rarely strayed from Rob’s side.  Now Kole lays on the bed waiting for Rob to join him, not understanding where his friend went, or when he will come home.

I often write about how lost humans are without their dogs but when it is the human who is missing it affects us dogs ten times more than it affects humans.  It is why we need to go first.  Our parents can, over time, deal with our loss, but pups aren’t equipped with dealing with the loss of a parent, even temporarily.

While not knowing where Rob is has been terribly stressful on Reese and Kole, Angel Meika does know where Rob is, and has spent nights, while Rob is sleeping, cuddled next to him, Meika is very scared too.  She is an angel, and watches over her family, but there are limits to what angels can do.  Meika brings comfort to Rob, her Dad, and her siblings, but she can’t cure what is wrong, and most of her days are spent nervously waiting.

Rob entered the hospital at the start of the week and then was transferred to St. Louis.   After two days of confusion the medical professionals decided to operate mid-week.  Reese and Kole’s father Jeff began the seven hour trek to St Louis..  Half way there he got a call that the surgery had been postponed until Friday.

On Friday Jeff made the seven hour trip to be with Rob during the operation. Minutes before surgery Jeff learned it had been canceled.  The hospital did not have enough of Rob’s blood in storage..  The surgery was postponed to Wednesday..
Jeff had to make a seven hour trip back home.  He expected Reese and Kole from nervousness and  lack of attention to have either destroyed the house,or at least soiled it.  But our friends knew their parents were scared and they were perfect gentlemen who spent the day calmly waiting for one of their Dads to return.

Money was tight with Reese and Kole’s family before this ordeal.  Their computer has gone to  the Computer Bridged and they don’t have money to replace it as this time so they can all communicate by Facebook and texts right now.  Despite not being connected to all of us they do need our prayers this week so both their Dads can be back home with them and the madness ends.

Currently Reese and Kole have been showing signs of stress with bad appetites and indigestion.  The situation, for this wonderful family, is getting worse.  

We are praying you come home safe and sound and snuggle with Kole again.  He needs you.


  1. I hope and pray they will all be together again soon. This is so sad to think about them waiting for him to come home.

  2. We'll keep our paws crossed and send POTP, that they can all be reunited again.

  3. Sending love and hugs to this entire family. We are praying for a quick resolution to these health problems and his return to the family that loves him. May God be with all of you. Jackson, Ginger, Angel Morgan and Mom Jane

  4. So scary and stressful - Sending prayers for everyone in this family
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. We will keep them in our prayers for sure!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?