Sunday, May 17, 2015

Finley, Angel Brody, Paco and Goose are our May 17, 2015 Pups of the week

Oh the problems we angels have.  Last week we wrote about Willie feeling guilty over his Mom’s breaking her leg.  This week it was Brody who was afraid he made a mistake.

Brody chose Finley to move into his house and take care of his family.  Everything was going perfectly.  Finley fit in with the family like a duck in water.  Mom Candice loved him.  The kids loved him.  Everything was going perfectly  And then one day last week  Mom Candice felt a hard lump on Finley.

Hard lumps are never good.  Parents hope for a cyst but fear the worst.  Mom Candice made an appointment with her vet.

Meanwhile Brody was as worried as Mom Candice.  He knew his Mom had been through too much:  More than most woman could handle and she could not take something happening to Finn.  “I checked everything,” a worried Brody said.  “How he was with kids, cats, Mom.  If he was gentle, sweet, loving.   They all came back as yes.  But lumps?  I didn’t check him for lumps.  Who check for lumps?”

I assured Brody that no angel can check for lumps on another dog.  We aren’t allowed to touch the mortals and even if we were the lump was covered by fur.  Plus it may not have been there when Finley got Brody’s stamp of approval.  But Brody spends his whole day watching over his family.  He’s a worrier and worries worry.

The next day, when Finley went to the vet Brody became even more nervous.  The vet took tissue from around the hard lump but did not get enough to make a determination.  Both Brody and Mom Candice spent the entire day of fretting, thinking of one another, and praying for Finley.

The results were good news and bad.  The good news was that it was not a tumor and not cancer.  A sigh of relief could be heard from Arizona to Italy.  The bad news is that the doctors don’t know what the hell the hard lump is.  Could be a BB, could be some vegetation that got under the skin, could be a meteor, and it will probably have to be removed.  But whenever it is not cancer it is good news,  So we tip our tail to Finley, send Mom Candice kisses on the breeze, and buy Brody a beef beer to calm him down.

Paco 2.jpgI also need to recognize our friends Paco who scared his Mom beyond scared.  He suffered an episode that left him paralyzed lying is his own urine.  Paco’s vet suggested he be given a cortisonic pill.  Miraculously Paco was soon up and walking around.  He has a vet appointment on Monday to find out what happened.  He could use some prayers.

And finally we must recognize a giant of a dog who got his wings this week.  Goose spends his time in Blogville writing the wonderful Gospel of Goose blog.   This week the train to the Bridge came for him and he made his journey to his final home..  A sweet Pastor’s dog Goose is overqualified to be an angel,  While we will miss his wise and kind words; the compassion he displayed and the love he spread to everyone in Blogville, and his Mom will miss her best friend, mortal dogs now have an angel watching over them full time.  One of the sweetest angels of all.

Before he went to the Bridge he took his last mortal blog and left us with these parting words:  “Live each day to the fullest, for it is a gift.  Love often, growl less.  Take time to smell the roses.  Let those who surround you know they are loved.  Life is beautiful my friends, so see it, share it, create it.  Oh and this one last thing, STICKS!!!!  If you see a stick in need do me a favor, help it out.”

Very wise words.  And living life the the fullest is something Goose and Reese knew how to do, and Paco and Finley know how to do.


  1. It has been an eventful week. Sadness and scariness and worry.....

  2. Three more beautiful angels in peace.

  3. It sure was a rough week . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Remember tomorrow is the Barkers -vs- Slayers soccer game!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?