Sunday, April 15, 2018


We dogs have lucky lives.  Some of us stay on the mortal side for many years, and others only get a short amount of time with our parents.  But those of us with short lives can squeeze 16 years of love in less than a quarter of the time.

That is certainly true of Jessie from the Legacy Chronicles.  She had less than four years with her family. When she was a year and a half, she was diagnosed with chronic renal failure.   A year ago the vet told her parents that there was no additional medication she could be given. Jessie needed to keep taking what was prescribed and live for the day, which she did very well and with great enthusiasm.  

Last Monday Jessie’s mom knew the medication had done all it could for her girl.  She had been growing more lethargic and not eating. Finally, she would not go on her walk  Jessie was taken to the vet. Her mom expected to either aid Jessie to the Bridge or be told her journey would end in a few days.  Instead, she got more medication and a lot of confusion.

Moms usually know when it is our time.  Vets are taught to preserve life and sometimes try to do so when letting go is the answer.  Jessie was given the new medication and had her camel treatments increased, but she only slowly grew worse.
Two days later her mom made the ultimate sacrifice, and she sent Jessie to the Bridge a month short of her fourth birthday.

But boy, did Jessie fill a lifetime of love and adventure into less than four years.  She started out as a foster dog but as soon as her mom encountered Jessie’s infectious personality, big smile, and goofy nature she knew that this silly girl was at her forever home.

Jessie managed a million goofy smiles in her short life and four times that many licks.  She became best friends with her sibling Casey and also with her reluctant cat sibling Pigeon who firmly bonded with the much larger dog.  Jessie loved everything she saw immensely. She had to; she didn’t have time for anything else.

Except for energy:  For running, for playing, for embracing life, and snuggles.  She never lost her puppy energy. She used up every ounce.

When Jessie arrived at the Bridge, she was met by the dog who had chosen her.  Cinderella crossed over before Casey and then picked the happy pup for her family.  Cinderella knew Casey would not have a long life but that she would fill her family with a lifetime of energy and love.

Dogs who arrive at the Bridge after suffering from a genetic defect rarely know life without discomfort.   After crossing over, they feel a wave of joy when they realize they are pain-free. Jessie felt it as soon as she crossed the Bridge.  She ran right past us. She felt so good she kept running for hours. Then, when she got her wings, she flew even longer.

We angels feel terrible for the parents of young dogs when the pups arrive on the immortal side.  We know the unbearable sadness they experience and the feeling that they have been robbed of love and time.  We say special prayers for them every day.

We are also grateful for the playful energy young angels bring us, and no dog has a greater abundance of that than Jessie.  When she arrived here, it was like the Bridge had been plugged in and lit up. She has given us all more energy and has everyone loving and playing more.

We measure lives by days, but we should measure it by love.

By that measure, Jessie lived a good long life


  1. Jessie made her short life a very memorable one

  2. This was absolutely beautiful and brought tears to our eyes. You are right - Jessie lived a good long life
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. What a breathtaking tribute. Bless you.

  4. We didn't know Jessie but we were sad when we learned of her passing.

  5. We met Jessie when she first came to live with Casey and Andrea. She was a very sweet girl. We wish she had had more time with her loving family, but we know that your post will make her Mom and Casey feel better - it certainly was a comfort to us.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. A beautiful tribute. She was so very special, teaching all of us to treasure each day on this Earth and to shower those around us with love. I wish with all my heart that she'd had more days with her family.

  7. I am so sorry for her family. But I do admit the name made my heart stop for a minute. Love, Kathy


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