Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday Question

Are you a walking dog., a run around the yard dog, or a couch dog?

Pocket and I aren't allowed to run around the yard.  We try to go on walks, for about 20 minutes a day weather permitting..  We do love being couch dogs 


  1. Can I pick all three?? Cause I am all three. I loves my walkies (can't miss any peemail! and somedog has to bark at the Lab on the corner!), I loves running around the yardie (gotta keep those tree rats in line), and who doesn't like a good snooze on the couch??! (I do have my own, ya know...☺)
    Ruby ♥

  2. I'm a walking dog... and we have 3 short walks and 2 long walks efurry day... wish we had more more more ;O)

  3. If I would a dog I'd probably be a couch tater!

  4. We are with Ruby about being all 3. Me and Lucy are so excited when Mommy gets out our leashes for a walk. And we are so excited when Mommy opens the door and lets us run around the yard zip, zip like lightening with her watching. And to lay back and rest on the couch after a hard day is divine! ~Xena

  5. Yep, three more like Ruby. Our favorite is to run around the yard, but we have that horrible mud again. The Momster is back to one out at a time mode:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. I guess we're combo dogs. We do all the above.

  7. We are all of those depending on our human's whims.

  8. I usually run around the yard sniffing for squirrels, mousies, and other varmints. But lately it's been so muddy, I've been getting tied on a long lead so I can't go as far. I'll be glad when mud season is over!

  9. During the cold winter months we are couch dogs - or I am and Hazel is a dog bed on the floor dog. When the weather is nice we love our fenced yard.
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. We are a little bit of everything! We all love going for walkies...Rosy and Jakey LOVE the outside...and Arty LOVES the couch!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?