Sunday, April 22, 2018

Molly the Wally is Our April 22, 2018 Pup of the Week

Social media works much better for dogs than it does for humans.  We are never cruel nor cowardly, especially when our parents are threatened.  We know hate is foolish and love is wise. We are always kind and try to be nice.  We use the Internet to lift one another up, unlike our humans who too often use it to tear one another down.

I have dozens of online friends whose exploits I check daily.  They never fail to provide a chuckle or lift my spirits. Sometimes, when they join me at the Bridge,  their parents no longer have the heart to help them blog, which I understand. Sometimes online friends just disappear not to be heard from until their Bridge Day.

For years Molly the Wally provided me both smiles and comfort.  She had the most clever blog on the ‘net. Molly had a little stuffie named Mini Molly who often substituted for her so she and her friend Pip could reenact their antics and conversations with thought balloons.

Molly and Pip also had talking heads that provided us with news commentary.

And then there were just her silly adventures and her Downton Abbey spoofs.  Her blogs were like a fresh Monty Python skit one click away on your computer.

In 2015 Molly’s mom announced that she had injured her shoulder while trying to break up a fight between two dogs she did not know.  She would have to take a break from blogging. Sadly, except for holiday posts, her mom was unable to continue with her joyful blogs, and we lost touch with Molly.
Three days ago I was summoned to my spot to meet a new angel.  The brown and tan dog running up the steps looked familiar. “Hello Judge Foley Monster!” she said with her regal British accent.

“Molly the Wally!” I exclaimed hugging her.  “How have you been?”

“Not well, you see, I recently passed,”  Molly replied. I have to stop asking that question.  

When they learned that Molly had arrived her friends who enjoyed her blog and friendship flooded the greeting area.  She was told countless times how much her humor and kindness were appreciated. 
Everyone pitched in to teach the sweet little Molly everything she needed to know, including how to visit her mom in her dreams, as small flying creatures, and even as a barely perceptible ghost.  
She learned very quickly and is her mom’s devoted guardian angel who is working hard to make sure her mom never hurts herself as she did three years ago.  Humans are very hard to take care of, but I am sure Molly is up for the challenge

Best of all, for us angels, Molly puts on a puppet show in the town square every day.  Once again Molly is giving us a daily smile

We hope, despite her loss, that her mom can find her daily smile soon.



  1. Oh, we wish we had known Molly!!!

  2. that is so super sweet.... my tears are running, but you wrote a super fabulous post for Molly and Pip... they are legends of da blogging world furever...

  3. I am soooo gonna miss sweet Molly!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. We will miss Molly very, very much! I hope she say hello to Joey dog up there in doggie heaven. And maybe she'll even meet our angels Miss Ginger and Old Charisma too!

  5. Gad that Molly has an audience for her performances, wish we could see them here.

  6. We missed Molly the Wally when she stopped blogging, and now we miss her even more. She was so much fun and a beautiful girl. Soft woos and gentle hugs to her family.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. WE too missed Molly when she stopped blogging and often thought of her. We think of her mom with love and prayers
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. she was one of our first friends, we miss her much. Stellie rose


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?