Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday Question

What is your favorite thing to chew on?

Pocket:  I am not much of a chewer.  Maybe a stuffed squirrel.

River:  I have a Nyla Marrow Bone that gets stuffed with treats that is yummy.


  1. everything we can get... is it is there we will chew it...

  2. I do like to chew on some treats but I can't have any until my mouth heals up.

  3. Mackey and Norma Jean are our chewers. Norma Jean likes to chew sticks and there are lots of them in the yard. Mackey will chew anything and loves to rip apart our toys.

  4. Misty and Timber: Each other:)

    Lightning: I am not much of a chewer because I have a hard time getting my front paws together well enough to hold something. Right now I would love to chew on my back leg, but Mom says that is a very big NO NO!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Arty and Jakey: We aren't big chewers
    Rosy: I love a good himalayan chew, or antler!

  6. My favorites are Puppy nylabones and antlers. I like himalayan chews too!. Hazel only has 5 teeth so she can't really chew on stuff
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. I have a chewy bone, and a few rawhide pieces. I also love to chew the coat off tennis balls, and remove the squeaker and stuffing from all squeaky toys.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?