Sunday, October 7, 2018

Hero Dogs Roddy, Nico and Asha are our October 7, 2018 Pup of the Week

It was a quiet week here, friend wise.  For the first time in months, I did not have to swear a friend in as an angel.  I have enjoyed the pleasant break.  But I still had to Christian, an angel.

Roddy is a beautiful black and brown dog who lived with his 84-year-old mom in Hlobane Farms, South Africa.  Two weeks ago the mom was cooking guava outside her kitchen when she heard Roddy bark.  Three teenage boys appeared with guns demanding cash and a cell phone.  The woman told them she had neither. Then Roddy appeared, eager to protect his mom.  He chased the boys, one of whom fired a gun, sending beautiful Roddy to the Bridge.
Roddy flew back to the mortal side to spend time with his traumatized mom.  He will be there until she is ready to depart and continue to try and protect her from the bad men in the world.  
Hopefully, my friend, Nico won’t be arriving at the Bridge anytime soon, but she is going to need prayers.  The 11-year-old pit bull was going on a pleasant walk with his 12-year-old skin brother and 11-year-old sister.  They were crossing the street when a man, late for work, whipped around a car and sped through a stop sign, driving towards the trio.

Nico got down on her haunches to protect the children.  The careless driver heard Nico barking and swerved missing the kids but hitting Nico, causing internal bleeding and breaking her pelvis.  The driver stopped down the road, to pick up a co-worker, who refused to continue onward unless the man took responsibility for his actions.  Surprisingly, the driver was not charged, but everyone agreed Nico was a hero.

Nico was rushed to the vet.  She needs to be kept quiet so the pelvis will heal, and requires future lung surgery to keep her from the Bridge.  We need prayers for her to recover and for the police to realize a dog struck by an irresponsible driver life matters as much as a human, and the driver should be punished.

Finally, in a story that we could all use during another maddening week,  I present Asha, a five-year-old golden retriever from Australia.  Asha was minding her own business when a joey koala scampered from the woods on a cold night.  The koala climbed up on the porch and looked at Asha. The goldie nodded, and the joey climbed on Asha’s back then snuggled into her fur.  The koala survived the night thanks to Asha sharing her body heat.
The next morning Asha’s parents awoke to this sight on their porch.  
Australians were used to different animals appearing on their property, but a koala sleeping on their dog was a new one.  Asha’s mom burst out laughing when she saw the duo.

The joey put up quite a fight when it was lifted from Asha.   The koala was turned over to a care facility, and when it is ready, it will be released into the wild.

Where I am sure, it will find Asha again because a good snuggle buddy is hard to find.


  1. Such sad stories about Roddy and Nico. We hope that Roddy's Mom will find relief and peace soon. And we sure hope that hero Nico will heal well. We saw that story last week about the koala, what was he thinking? At least he will get good care before returning to the wild.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We were crying until you told the koala--Asha story. that is so adorable

  3. I'm so sorry that this cardriver was so car-e-less...we send potp to da furmilies

  4. Those are some dramatic stories. What good doggies!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?