Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Question

Do you wear a jacket and if so when do you wear it?

Pocket:  We do have jackets.  We wear them if it is raining or snowing.  If we are going on a walk and it is below freezing we put them on, but it has to be near zero for us to put them on just for a quick pee or poop.


  1. Nope, no jackets here - we have built-in fur coats:) But Mom did buy a nice coat with a fleece lining for PHantom for his last winter with us - he didn't have much fat on him to keep his body warm. We think he actually liked it too:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. I do have a raincoat. I only wear it IF it's REALLY rainin' hard. I don't do clothes. I only do bandannas.
    Ruby ♥

  3. Can't move if we have any coats on. We just freeze. Luckily, it doesn't get really cold around here.

  4. I wear one when we have sh*t weather... da Nelly is not sure, he never had a jacket by now ... but this year he will give it a try... or maybe not... we will see ;O)

  5. No jacket for me, but Sister Zoe wears a sweater.

  6. We were our jackets when it gets really cold
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. Tje Poodles love their wardrobes but the dogs keep reminding us they have fur.

  8. I'm not a fan of doggie clothing. It makes me feel like there's a squeaky toy on my back and I want to get it and chew it up. If it's super cold out, I just don't stay outside for long.

  9. Jakey and Rosy...No way, Jakey doesn't do rain and Rosy doesn't do clothes...

    Arty loves his rain coat!

  10. After freezing my tail off in northern Illinois last Christmas, I got a fleece lined coat for me at home I go somewhere that the temp is almost 0F. Lucy
    I have cute shirts and sweaters and a hoodie that was Angel Lexis. Xena

  11. Only when camping someplace cold. We adapt to running around outside for hours on end even when it's -20°F. We are tough (ha ha!).

  12. I wear mostly sweaters. My human assistant has a dog sweater problem - she can't stop buying them for me. We need more dogs to wear them.


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?