Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14, 2018 Pups of the Week: Prayers for Reese, Lightning, R and Noah

Thankfully, for a second consecutive week, I had no mortal members of Doggspace, TB or Blogville cross the Bridge.  I can’t remember the last time two week passed without a crossing. We are very lucky.
But there are some of us who need prayers and, if you don’t mind, I would like to concentrate on them this week, starting with my bestie Reese.  I can’t believe my beautiful little boy is nine years old. I guess this is what happens when you while away five years of eternity at the Bridge.

Reese was such a sweet boy when I made my journey. He checked with my mom every day to see how she was coping with her loss and to smile at her.
Earlier this year Reese tore his ACL.  His Dad and their vet Linda discussed possible options.  They thought the best course was for Reese to keep off of his leg, take it easy and be put on anti-inflammatories and pain medication.  Unfortunately, Reese has never been good at staying off things or taking it easy. He has a brace that he refuses to wear, frustrating his dad.  But the good news is that Reese is putting more weight on the leg and is progressing. He is still going to need prayers before he is one hundred percent but, thankfully, he looks to be on his way.
Lightning, our young friend from the Chronicles of Woo blog, also has a torn ACL.  His mom and the vet elected for Lightning to have surgery.  It went successfully. But the homecoming has been problematic.

There has been some fluid leaking from the incision and occasionally blood too.  Lightning also has to go for cold laser treatment. During his last session, the vet tech Melissa told Lightning's mom that the incision looked good.  The leaking and bleeding were caused by him standing too long. His mom has been trying to keep Lightning off his paws as much as possible but he is a curious boy especially when he smells food being made, and parents only have so many eyes.   Also, poor Lightning cries during the night, then get restless and stand. He is doing better and is also walking, but he too needs lots of prayers.

Our great friend from the beautiful mountains, R, from the Romping and Rolling in the Rockies blog has survived wild winter, roaming bears and lions, and even a bionic elbow transplant that has kept R running.  Now this beautiful dog, who has the prettiest scenery of any dog we know, is slowly having his vision robbed from him by cataracts.  His parents are searching for treatments to help their boy, but they also know that nothing will break his spirit. If the worst happens, he will continue to romp and enjoy his beautiful surroundings while experiencing every scent.

Prayers for dogs often work.  Just ask my friend Noah from the Portuguese Water Blog .  Noah has had problems with his eyes since a battle with crypto.  He got colitis, and the medication led to chronic dry eye. A short time ago Noah got a cyst on his eyelid which kept getting bigger.  Plus, Noah scratched it and caused mucus to form. The cyst had to be removed. Noah had surgery on Tuesday and, after lots of prayers, by the end of the week, he was good as new.

See, prayers do work.  Let’s say lots of them so Reese, R, and Lightning can have the success that Noah did.


  1. We do know Lightning and R and have been constantly sending prayers their way. We'll sure at Reese to our list and I'm so happy to hear that Noah is doing well.

  2. We believe in prayers for humans AND doggies. Many prayers from here.

  3. Sending lots of POTP to all these good doggies!

  4. Aww, you are so kind to be thinking about Lightning - and our good friends R and Noah. We don't know Reese, but we hope his leg heals well too. Lightning seems to be putting some more weight on his leg, but his incision keeps leaking. He has another laser treatment tomorrow so hopefully they will have some answers. He is pretty much off his feet 95% of the day. Mom is at her wit's end.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Thank you so much for thinking of R. We have been rooting for Lightning and his mom. I am heading over to meet Noah at his blog. I wish that I knew Reese... I am sending all these dogs POTP.

  6. we send lots of prayers and POTP... it has magic power and we hope it helps all who are in need...

  7. Noah says it's great to get the cone off and now his eyes work and aren't sore anymore. He's a happy pup and thinks POTP is,a great thing.

  8. We have prayers for all these special friends
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. So many sick dogs, hope they are all feeling better!


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