Sunday, September 8, 2019

Tucker and Cosmo are the September 8, 2019 Pets of the Week

There has long been a division between dogs and cats on both sides of the Bridge. They can, if need be, live together peacefully.  To dogs, cats are like drug dealers. We yell when we see them, we want them to be away from our houses; we don’t trust them, but, if they live with us, then they are our drug dealer, and they are okay. 
I understand cats feel the same about us but think of us as undocumented housekeepers, who are only welcome if we are work in their homes. 

My dear friends Pippin, Tucker, who are both dogs, and Cosmo, a cat lived peacefully together with other pack members at their home.  They not only tolerated one another, but they were friends. They had grown old together. Sadly, when you grow old with a pet sibling, the Bridge comes calling at the same time for both. 

Tucker was very sick last week.  His mom knew he did not have much time left.  But, Tucker was determined to stay with his mom.  He did not give her the sign that it was time for him to go.  His mom kept awake with him, holding a vigil for days. If he was going to fight to be with her, then she was not going to miss a moment with him. 

Cosmo also was not feeling well but hid the symptoms.  Their Mom was rightfully doting on Tucker. Cosmo did not want to steal the spotlight.  Secretly they had a deal. When Tucker gave the sign that he was ready to go, Cosmo would provide a signal too.  They’d cross the Bridge side by side just as they had lived their lives
On Saturday Tucker gave his mom the secret signal that is was time.  Seeing this, Cosmo gave the sign too. It broke their mom’s heart to send them to the Bridge on the same day, but when a pet provides the signal with it is the parent’s duty to fulfill their request.  Then she made the most difficult decision, two times. 

There are two different entry points for dogs and cats at the Bridge.  Their souls wash up on the shores of the River of Life a quarter-mile apart. I  administer the oath to dogs at the foot of Doggyspace Village and in a separate ceremony at Kittyland Cotton does the same for cats.  But, Tucker and Cosmo were not interested in crossing apart. They ran towards one another, met in the middle, then crossed together, on the dog side.

There was a great deal of bustle at the Bridge when they crossed over paw in paw.  “It is a cat!” one of my friends said. “On the dog side! This is blasphemy.” 

I was more open-minded.  After six years on the immortal side, I had grown closer to the kitties.  I welcomed Tucker with a hug and then Cosmo. I ignored the gasps for my less than understanding peers. 

I saw my friends’ tails go up.  The cats we're coming over the hill.  “It’s an invasion!” a dog said.  

The cats’ hair on their backs went up when they got closer to the dogs. I was worried there was going to be a rumble.  Tucker got between the two groups and held up his paws. “Stop!” he commanded, showing a lot of fortitude for a new angel.  “We should not be fighting! We just came from a very divided place. We should not be like that. This should be a better place!” 

I smiled.  I felt the same way but was not brave enough to say it.  

“What unites our parents is a love of pets,” Cosmo said, “but they still concentrate on what divides them.  What unites us is our love of our parents. That should be enough to surpass our differences.”

The dogs and cats paused, then slowly walked towards one another and began to play  Cotton, and I scheduled a massive picnic just like the Indian and Pilgrims had. It will be a fantastic time. 

We are sorry that Cosmo and Tucker are no longer with their mom, but she should know that her two little angels have helped to heal the centuries-old rift between dogs and cats. 

Blessed are Tucker and Cosmo for they are the peacemakers.


  1. we know that the angels are with us .... furever and ever...

  2. Such sweet pups. We send love and hugs to their very special Mom.

  3. We always wondered about how cats and dogs shared the Bridge. This is such a lovely story.

  4. How sad to lose two together. All are precious
    Mabel & Hilda


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