Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday Question

Have your parents ever witnessed a litter of dogs, cats, or something else being born?  Our answer is no.  If your parents did what was that like?


  1. Never in person...but what a honor it would be if I could.
    I'd be in awe. I know and completely useless if they needed help.
    What a sweet mama and babies
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. the mama nearly saw the birth of a foal... she waited for hours in the stable and 2 minutes before it started she went to slumberland... crapola!

  3. Mom delivered us she was . Dad was there part of the time. He saw Sky and Lola be born but Mom was there all night to greet each of us. It wad Mom second litter. When she was a teenager her dig had four pups. She says it's an amazing experience and she'd like to do it again.

  4. On my cousin's farm I saw calves born. Amazing!

  5. Only while watching nature shows on TV.

  6. My ghostwriter has seen a few human babies being born. But other creatures? Only on TV.

  7. I was raised on a farm that had lots of animals so yes on all the critters. I've seen many human births too. It's most amazing.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. One of my Moms early memories was watching her childhood dog Joy(a poodle) giving birth...the fact that she still remembers it says it all!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. HER first dog, gave birth to nine puppies in HER bed when SHE was 15! Then when one of the scotties had seven puppies...again, years ago.

  10. Our Mom saw four puppies born to one of her family's dogs when she was just a very little girl. She only remembers that two of the pups didn't make it, and the other two went to one of her cousin's family and to a neighbor. She really doesn't remember much about the birth.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Mom worked at a vet's for 5 years, so she has to say yes to the cats and dogs. Our peeps brother Adam crawled under the bed when he was about 4 or 5 and watched their little dalmation dog Alice give birth to the first puppy. Then Mom found him and Alice and got everyone where they belong.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?