Monday, January 20, 2020

Monday Question

What is the most useless thing your parents have bought for you and wasted their money?

Pocket:  Mommy spent money on Thunder Shirts for both of us.  She put it one during a Thunderstorm.  It didn't help, but after that whenever we saw the shirt we would shake thinking a storm was coming.


  1. A jacket for Roxy. A giggle ball...we don’t play with stuff.

  2. Storms don't really bother me. I might bark at really loud thunder, but we get so many storms I just don't care.

  3. Pocket, that thundershirt looks like a fashion statement on you; too bad your association with it is so bad. Xena's thundershirt was a failure too. So was the bone type thing Mom bought me for Christmas. XOX Lucy

  4. Well, she did buy a thundershirt for Simon and it was an instant no-go!

  5. A rolling ball toy for Chuck and Angel. They ignored it.
    However, when Da Boyz came along, they played and played, and still play with it! *shrug*

  6. The list is long. They will either like it or reject it. Lots of rejections over the years.

    Have a fabulous day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. Mom bought me a track ball "tower". It had three levels. I totally completely 100%edly ignored it. Mom gave it away. She bought me a hanging scratcher to...I just walked on by!

  8. Thundershirt was a total waste of money, I donated it to a local thrift store that benefits a cat shelter, hopefully it worked for whoever purchased it from them.

  9. Our friend had that same reaction. She was terrified of the shirt. Our Mom wastes money on shampoo and ear cleaner. We've tried to tell her that stuff is unnecessary but she won't listen.

  10. I think we usually have a full closet full of things we didn't play with or snack on(including a thunder shirt for Jakey)...We make sure Mama donates all of it to our local shelter once a year.
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. Probably a dog bed. Seemed the right thing. She ends up sleeping in a chair in the living room and rarely the bed.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?