Monday, July 27, 2020

This one is about your parents?  Have they ever been bitten by a dog bad enough to draw blood?


  1. Pocket: Mom has got a few nicks from dog's playing or tussling but nothing bad.

    When Daddy was younger his dog Barney got in a fight it the driveway and it wasn't going well. Daddy grabbed the other dog and Barney put his tooth through the webbing between Daddy's thumb and forefinger. There was a lot of blood and a few stitches.

  2. Oh yes. Gail has been bitten twice on the leg, blood drawn, when riding her bicycle - once in Oklahoma and the other time in Ireland. And then once on the hand by, er, me, but I think I can be excused because I was being attacked by big dog, who was holding me by the scruff of my neck and shaking me, and I was hurt and very frightened and didn't really know what I was doing.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Finley can be bitey, so yes. And Whitley got her too - when she wuz trying to break up a Whitley-Finley fight. I've never done it. Neither has Brinley.

  4. We have never ever bitten our Mom (or Dad, or anyone else). But Mom has stories: when she was about 8 she reached down to pet a smallish, stray dog she had pet before, but the dog jumped up and bit her hip and arm. She got stitches in her arm, and we aren't allowed to say the horror that happened to that dog by the state of PA. She's also been bitten several times by both cats and dogs during her career as a groomer. Cat bites are the worst. XOX Xena and Lucy

  5. I haven't but every one of my sons has been attacked while other paper routes. Bitten on several occasions, each boy. They are not fans because of this. The parents of the attacking dogs always defended the dogs, I'm afraid. We never as a family caused them a problem as the boys visits to the Dr. showed they would heal physically.

  6. My ghostwriter has a few scars on her hands from breaking up fights between the doggies who have lived here.

  7. I've been scratched by toenails, but no bites. I'm happy about that.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. Fortunately no bites here except for maybe little play bites when somebody thought a finger was a squeaky chew toy. :)

  9. de furst bulldog in TT bit de food servizz gurlz mom on de wrist....a bulldog's jaw "locks" & him wood knot let go...

    de food gurl had ta put her thumb over hiz nose sew him could breath; thatz when him let looze oh her momz arm....

    we wundered why him terned "meen"...we finded out him waz epileptic :( ♥♥♥

  10. Yuppers. When Ma was a wee lass, she was bitten by a Sheltie in her leg while riding her skateboard. It was bloody and stuffs, butts she didn't tells her pawrents cause she didn't wants to gets the doggie in troubles. Not smart move, nows that she's a big peep. Butts, she was okay, and the doggie didn't gets in trouble. She thinks the doggie was just scared of the skateboard.
    Ruby ♥

  11. Arty refuses to let Mama answer this question...but she got stitches once and the other times...wellllllll. thank goodness for band aids.

    No one else has ever bit Mama or Daddy.

  12. No, neither of our peeps were ever bitten by a dog. But when Mom was a little girl, a boxer dragged her around the school yard when he grabbed the tassel hanging from her winter cap. She was not happy at all.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Yes, but only once. And given that my person works with Dogs, and it happened when she was just starting and didn't know as much, only once is pretty good!

  14. I have! Actually, a bunch of times. I used to ride my bike on rural roads in New England. So many dogs were loose. They'd chase me down and nail my calf. It was like a joke because it happened so many times. I have scars of teeth marks...


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