Sunday, July 5, 2020

Keeping Henry Busy at the Bridge

I am very partial to Shih Tzus.  Twenty years ago, I came home to find Blake, my first and best sister, in my house, and she taught me so much that I wouldn’t be the dog I am today without her.  While I love all pups, I have a special place in my heart for that breed.  That is why I try to make their arrival memorable. 

    When I learned that my old friend Henry the Shih Tzu was arriving at the Bridge after a period of failing health, I invited Blake to come with me.  Every breed experiences crossing over differently, and I figured Blake could help Henry with the transition.  

    Shih Tzu should be in their group.  All dogs have a specialty, even the little ones like Yorkies, who were bred to chase ratters out of small spaces.  But, Shih Tzus were meant only to love.  They were produced to sit with humans and keep them calm, and nothing else.  That creates for a relaxed and peaceful relationship with their parents and strong codependency.

    That is why we knew Momma Lynee would be especially devastated when Henry ran out of heartbeats and had to leave for the Bridge.   We angels would try all our tricks to get her to feel better, but since I have been blessed with the ability to communicate between worlds, I think what would be best is to show her that Henry is safe and with friends. Parents can put up with a tremendous amount of pain if they know their baby is safe.  

    By the time Henry approached me, and his mom’s angels, who were waiting for him, all his pain and suffering had abated, and he was back to being young, healthy, and carefree.  I would like to tell his mom that he did not have a care in the world, but after years of her being his one concern, he could not shut his love off like a valve, and, as always, she was foremost on his mind.

    We immediately took him to Tommy’s house, where there are rows of televisions, all showing our parents going through their mortal day.  He found the remote and switched on to see his mom, who was missing him very much. We knew we couldn’t let him wallow.  Tommy’s huge Fourth of July party was upcoming, and Tommy put Henry to work.  Shih Tzus are at their best when they are helpful, and soon Henry was whistling while doing his chores.

Everyone kept Henry busy right up to party time.  He saw so many of his old Doggyspace friends who were now his neighbors that he lost count.  He helped Teddy Bond carry in boxes of silent fireworks.  Teddy promised this would be the grandest display ever.  Hattie Mae set up her kissing booth, while Smartie sold her designs at half off for the holiday.  Tupper and his pack grilled up vast plates of food.  I whipped up a vat of Foleytinis.  Daisy promised Henry the first dance.  Junior and Chelsea dragged their pool over so we could swim.  Summer said Henry could ride on her back in the deep end.    Barnum and Bailey brought lots of games to play, and Tiara and Lovey offered him a makeover before the party.  

We partied long into the night, none more than Henry.  By the end of the night, he was happy and content, snuggling with Summer and Willie as he watched the silent fireworks light up the sky.  I wish his mom could have seen him so happy.

We are going to work to make him feel that way every day.  All we are going t have to do is have a big party with lots of fireworks every night.  I think the Doggyspace dogs can pull it off for Henry.


  1. We all enjoy silent fireworks!
    Rest in peace, Henry.

  2. So sorry to hear about Henry ((( hugs )))

  3. I know you all will pull it off for dear sweet Henry.

  4. What a lovely evening for sweet Henry!

  5. we are sure his mama can see it with her heart... like the little prince said, we see only good with our heart ;O)

  6. Another successful transition. One we all have to make, sooner or later.

  7. So this is how heaven is ... rest happily, Henry ... with all who came before.

  8. What a wonderful story about Henry and all the pups!

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