Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Question


I know, because our parents are obsessed with us, that there are lots of things inside your homes, that represent their pets.  Is there anything outside?  We have a Brussels Griffon lawn flag, a big Yorkie flag, and two decals on the windows of our car.  There is also a Griffon decal on our window, and Mommy wears a Griffon mask when she goes out of the house.  I think that's everything. 


  1. oh of course! we have a warning sign on our door... we hope that counts too?

  2. We have a schnauzer yard flag for summer and one for winter. Mommy likes the idea of getting a schnauzer face mask, too! XOX Xena

  3. Other than scads of cat statues, framed artwork, and a few cat garden items, I have a few pairs of pajamas with cats on them, t-shirts & sweatshirts with cats on them (very tasteful, I must say!), and a fleece blanket covered in cats that I received as a gift.

  4. We have lots of stuff inside, but nothing outside.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. Every once in a while the peeps fly our cat flag!

  6. we haz sum gardin flags with catz on em; we due knot noe theez catz, N we R knot sure why WE iz knot on de flag....but...all sew, de gurlz maskz haz catz on one side !!! ☺☺♥♥

  7. Nope, nothing outside here, unless you count all the furs flying around that Mom plucks:) She would like to find a nice Siberian garden flag.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. We have two cocker spaniel statues by the front door. They look like our angels Old Charisma and Miss Ginger. No flags or stickers, though.

  9. Hi friend! Ojo here! We have NOTHING! Except the chewed sticks and the occasional poop that my person is slow to pick up. Do those things count??


Poetry Thursday

  It is time for another Poetry Thursday hosted by our friend the Two Spoiled Cats Gary was 24 when he first opened the duffus store. Having...