Friday, September 18, 2020

Nothing Can Keep Apart Those Meant to Be Together by Foley Monster


I believe we little dogs have an advantage over large ones when it comes to being adopted.  We live longer, and we are easier to care for.  Plus, huge dogs take enormous craps that weigh six pounds.  The only way big dogs get picked is if someone is looking for that particular breed, or there is something extraordinary about them.

    Very few breeds are as big as mastiffs, which is horrible news for Charlie, who was brought to the shelter after his owner went to the Bridge.  The people at the rescue thought Charlie was the sweetest boy who loved to cuddle, but he was never picked.   I wish people understood that big dog's matter.   

Charlie had prayed to various angels with no progress.  Then his prayers crossed my desk.  I spoke to the other angels and found out what they had attempted.  It was apparent that something drastic needed to be done.  I dream whispered to the producers at a local news station about Charlie, and they became inspired to air a story about him.  Once it was broadcast, applications for adoption poured into the shelter.  

    While the staff at the rescue were pleased that Charle was finally getting some attention, it was bittersweet because they had all fallen in love with the dog who they affectionately called “Charlie Big Head” and hated to see him leave.

    Now that Charlie was popular, I wanted to find him the precise home he required.  I went through the applications and spotted one from a woman named Julie, who had a caretaker, Timothy,  living with her, and he knew Charlie.  The big boy met Timothy when he was a pup, and their relationship grew from there.

    Timothy offered to build a fence for Charlie’s mom strong enough so the 174-pound pup could not breakthrough.  Charlie’s mom asked Timothy to do more, and soon he was living with Charlie and his mom as her caretaker.  When Charlie’s mom passed, the shelter workers asked Timothy to help them get the big dog in the back of their trick to take him away. Timothy, who was headed to a shelter too, until he could find a place to stay, felt like he had betrayed his best friend. When Timothy did not leave with him, he barked mournfully. Timothy could not shake that sound for months.

    Timothy took a job as a caretaker for another woman who also had a mastiff.  This one was named Burt, and Timothy fell in love with him, like he did Charlie.

    Burt traveled to the Bridge in August, leaving Timothy and Lisa broken-hearted.  That is when I made sure Lisa noticed the news story about Charlie.  Simultaneously, Tim was contacted by a friend, who told him that his long lost dog Charlie was on the news.  Timothy rushed to Lisa’s house and saw a rebroadcast, stunned to see  Charlie’s smiling face.  

    It had been nine months since Timothy and Charlie had been separated, and the man was not convinced the dog would remember him.  Charlie was taken to the exercise yard behind the shelter.  Timothy entered from a side gate and yelled, “come here, good boy.”  Charlie’s entire demeanor changed.  He ran towards Timothy, and they were reunited with belly rubs and kisses.

    The next test was for Lisa to meet Charlie.  Of course, she fell in love with him too, and finally, after almost a year, Charlie was sprung from the shelter.  He is home again, playing with Charlie, and snuggling with his mom, just had he did before nine months earlier.

    I think Charlie and Timothy were meant to be together, and I am happy I could facilitate that in some small way.


  1. It really does seem like Charlie and Timothy were meant to be together. Thanks for helping out, Foley Monster.

  2. Charlie won't even remember his months in the shelter; he's got his furever home now!

  3. What a great ending for Charlie AND Timothy!!! Great story!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Poetry Thursday

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