Monday, December 21, 2020

Monday Question


Did your parents have to change their Christmas plans because of the Wicked 19?  Will the plans be good or bad for you?


  1. In a normal year, my parents would go to their nephew's house on the 23rd, their sons on the 24th, and their daughter's on the 25th. This year because of the COVID, they are staying home. She will be seeing her grandchildren sometime during the week. Mommy is stressed-out because some of the things we ordered did not come in. It might work out that Christmas is delayed.

  2. we will be alone this year like spiders ind a cellar... and the awful La Poste is not able to deliver our christmas presents...arrrggghhhh

  3. Sadly so ... June, however, seems not to mind.

  4. We will not be visiting my family at my mother's condo.
    I call my mother often, as do all of her six children, but she's been alone since March.

  5. No, our peeps are basicly hermits, so we'll just spend another quiet day at home.

  6. We are staying home like we did last year. We quit doing the family dinners because no one would lift a finger. We paid for everything, did all the work and no one would lift a finger to help. So this year is like last year and the one before.

    We did all the shopping last month so all the Christmas gifts arrived before Christmas.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  7. Yes, our peeps always had Christmas Dinner with friends but not this year, hooray, they'll be home with us!

  8. Vegas Vacay for the folks this year which means they'll be home with us!!!!!

    Hip Hip HURRAY!!

  9. We won't have our peeps brother Adam with us. We love Adam soooo much. We haven't seen him since March. Aww Mom, please don't cry.
    XOX Lucy and Xena

  10. We won't be seeing our extended family. It's better for the pups because they don't have to stay home while we go into the big city for the usual gathering. It's hard on the humans.


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?