Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday Question

 I, Pocket, recently had to go on Flagyl to try and stop my diarrhea summer.  

What medications are you on or have you taken?


  1. Oh gosh, where to start? When I was younger I was given antibiotics by the bucketload as I suffered from inter-digital cysts that kept getting infected. In retrospect, this was bad practice on the part of the vet, and Gail and I both worry about over-prescribing of antibiotics by both human and animal doctors. Nowadays I take medication to treat my bladder cancer symptoms, Previcox once a day and Gabapentin three times a day. We are convinced that the Previcox has been very beneficial, but less sure about the Gabapentin.
    Toodle pip!

  2. My very first "real VET doctor" is TODAY! She will check me out good. I hope I won't come home with any pill bottles. However, mine hu-mom, older than dirt, has lots of them ...

  3. Doxycycline when I had Lyme disease.

  4. Lucy: my food
    Xena: natural yummy supplements for my allergies and bone health and joint health. They're so good!

  5. Oh no Pocket fingers crossed all will clear up quickly.
    Angel Madi never took one medication (expect flea,tick drop) until she was 15. Then slam bam thank you ma'am she was on about 6 of them. Thankfully most I crushed, mixing in food. There was one nasty tasting one that I had to order in tasteless powder form from Road Runner Compound Pharmacy.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. pocket and river.....noe joke bout this....due knot EVER let de vet givez ewe convenia { fitez infectionz } far as we iz concerned.... that $#!tz killed sauce of fishbone

  7. Oh man, I've been on all kinds of meds my furiends! I am your furiendly druggie fursure! BOL!!! I takes keflex, bp med, gabapentin, a pill for gases 🤣, cbd and if you needs some anti anxiety meds, lets me know, I can hook you up.....BOL!!
    Oh, and I highly recommend the Milk Bone Pill Pouches! yummers!
    Ruby ♥

  8. Our Angel Little Bit had to have two shots a month for a laundry list of allergies. We were happy that there was medication for her.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. We are happy to say that the only medication used here right now is an every other day dose of Rimadyl for Lightning. We all get a fish oil capsule in the morning and Misty and Lightning each get a joint supplement chew every morning. We hope that Flagyl has helped.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. Hi friend, Ojo here! I had a dewormer the other day, does that count? It was very tasty! Feel better soon!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?