Thursday, September 29, 2022

Poetry Thursday

Welcome to poetry Thursday hosted by our friends Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton Here is our inspiration followed by our poem 

Puff, the hurting dragon, had a toothache.

And went to a fro looking for someone with a dental degree

Little Jackie paper loved dentistry

And brought him drills and floss wax and other  oral stuff, oh.

Puff, the hurting dragon, had a toothache.

But no dentist would see him because he was fourteen foot three

Puff, the magic dragon, let out a cry

He needed someone to pull his tooth, and no dental coverage had he

They met one another at a museum, and Puff let out a wail

Jackie said he could help Puff, and he would not fail

ff. He had a bag with dental tools; when he went out, it always came.

Puff put his head down, and Jackie wiggled a tooth, causing Puff to cry loudly.

Puff, the hurting dragon, had a toothache.

But no dentist would see him because he was fourteen foot three

Puff, the magic dragon, let out a cry

He needed someone to pull his tooth, and no dental coverage had he

A dragon lives forever, but toothaches can be stopped

And Jackie used all his tools including a fourteen-foot rope

\Jackie pulled out the tooth, and it hurt no more

And Puff the Mighty Dragon, he ceased his painful roar

Puff thanked Jackie and wagged his scaly tail

Knocking two Volvos parked in from of the hail

Without his troublesome tooth, Puff could be brave

And he opened his treasure chest hidden in his cave

He paid for Jackie’s dental degree, and he went to Yale

And now Jackie is a dragon dentist for dragons with scaly tails.


  1. Just a little worried that being a dragon dentist might be a niche too far...

  2. yay for having jackie... and we hope there are enough dragons to pay for da furrari of da jackie-dentist....

  3. What a fabulous poem. Nothing worse than a toothache. Jackie did a fabulous job.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ruby Rose.

  4. Whew...Puff was one lucky dragon to find such a brave boy like Jsckie!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?