Friday, September 9, 2022

Scooter Arrives At Rainbow Bridge


It was my little sister Ruby, barely with my parents for two months, who summoned up the lives of so many friends, as being  DDS (During Doggyspace) and ADS (After Doggyspace) when our friends were scattered like someone hit them with a ball pean hammer and spread them to the four corners of Facebook.

Every dog's social networking experience began in some such group; it doesn't matter which one; they are all gone now, as are most of the original members. This week we lost another one.

At 16 years old, Scooter George crossed the Bridge this week, an age in doggy years that far outpassed the Queen and who was just as beloved by those who knew him.

Like Englishmen and women who never knew a life without their Queen, I have not known social networking without the irrepressible Scooter George. While our contact waned as we went from being big fish in a small sea of Doggyspace to being small fish in the big ocean of Facebook, I always kept an eye on him.

I believe Scooter was the last surviving member of the gathering known as Farm Fest at our friend Koda's farm in Illinois, where dozens of dogs who only knew one another on the Internet got to play together. Scooter frightened his mom when he became momentarily lost on the extensive property, but he was quickly found. He had many more years with his mom.

River Song greeted Scooter when he crossed. Having lived a long life and the effects of aging have weighed heavily on him, he did not need convincing to cross. He knew his parting from his mom would be temporary, and he had left a part of himself in his mom's heart. It feels like pain, but soon it will blossom, and her mom will always feel his love in her heart.

Every friend Scooter made IRL and social networking had traveled to Hobo's Landing to witness the swearing process. When the brief ceremony concluded, there were cheers, and then his mom's pack members, who proceeded him to the Bridge, hugged and kissed him, which turned to sniffs, bites, and clawing as a playful scrum began.  

When he finished dinner celebrated his arrival and continued until the sun was high in the sky. Hundreds of angels gave toasts in Scooter's honor. The newest angel smiled broadly while his tail wagged for hours.

With the clock showing well past midnight, Scooter knew his mom would be asleep, so he, one at a time, took his friends to visit his mom in her dreams. He happily showed her off to his friends as she had done him. He knew his mom would not remember the visit, but her self conscious would be happy and relaxed, easing the burden on her sorrow.  

The next day Scooter began to search the land just as he did at Farm Fest, curious to see what happened next.

The mortal side lost something big when Scooter passed, but I can wait to see what this mighty new angel can accomplish.


  1. That is sure sad but such a nice Angel Scooter will be.

  2. Fly free sweet scooter what a beautiful tribute. You are dearly loved and will be missed by all and s3nding hugs to your mommy in your loss

  3. We did not know Scooter, but he sure was a handsome Scottie! We send our comforting thoughts to his peeps; how sweet that he and his Angel-furblings went to visit them in their dreams.

  4. Karen Schlabach, Chipper and JaxSeptember 10, 2022 at 2:08 PM

    We were saddened to hear Scooter went to the Bridge. Not many of us left, says Chipper…. Jax has been a member since he arrived and he is 8!
    I will be 15 in November… Mom worries about me….


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?