Friday, June 26, 2015

Tails from Rainbow Bridge: Catching up with Morgan and Muffin


A few weeks ago I wrote about Jackson’s wonderful mother Jane Marinello and how she helped her 100 year old neighbor Thelma and her Maltese Muffin.  The 14 year old had not been groomed in a long time and Jane got her groomed so she could see again greatly improving the lives’ of Thelma and Muffin.

Unfortunately Muffin crossed over the Bridge earlier this month.  If life was fair then Muffin and Thelma would have crossed over together but life is never fair.  Now poor Thelma is alone.  How could she imagine when Thelma got a dog who was born when Thelma was 84 years old that she would outlive her dog?

Muffin was quite upset when she arrived.  She was more than just a dog to Thelma.  She was her child, her best friend, her companion, her confidant.  She was her whole world.  Now Thelma was alone and Muffin felt terribly guilty.  We had to gather around Muffin and give her soft paws and kisses to calm her down.

Then we parted and Muffin met a dog she had heard so much about. It was Jane’s dog, Morgan the Miracle Maltese, former personal advisor to Tim Tebow, and best friend to every dog he ever met.  Morgan told Muffin that she could live with him, and they would watch over their parents together.

Morgan is such a special dog he has all sorts of powers here that other dogs don’t have.  He got into Thelma’s dreams and Thelma, being older can remember the dreams better than younger people and now when she sleeps she has two beautiful Maltese visiting her during the night.

So Jane is taking care of Thelma while she waits for the mother and child reunion and Morgan is with Muffin.  They could not be in better hands.  Kindness passes from parent to dog (and vice/versa) and then that kindness is spread throughout the mortal and immortal worlds.

That is what Morgan and Jane have taught us. 


  1. I hope Mrs. Thelma always has lovely dreams about her beloved Muffin until they meet again!

    xoxo, Ginger, Matt & Matilda

  2. A Maltese is such a wonderful little dog. It's like they understand when people are hurting and know exactly what to do.

  3. WE know Thelma and Muffin will be reunited some day
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  4. A sad but very beautiful story... That will be a happy reunion some day.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?