Friday, June 12, 2015

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: What I Have Learned In Two Years

Wednesday, July 9, marked the second anniversary of me crossing over the Rainbow Bridge.  We don’t celebrate those anniversaries here.  What are we going to call it:  “Lost Ya Day?”

There are many things I have learned after two years at the Bridge.  If you don’t mind I would like to share them with you.

Enjoy Every Treat:  When I was on the mortal side there were times when I would get mad at my parents and I would go under my blanket to pout.  They would try to coax me out with a treat and I wouldn’t take it.  I wasted lots of time that I could have spent with my family.  I would give anything for that time now.

Love Never Ends:  The marriage vows “To death do us part” should be changed to “never part” because death does not part love.  I love my Mom as much today as I did the day I left.  All pups do.  I know humans drift apart, things change, and they part, but only the wicked hearted part from their pups.

Slow down:  Life is short but if you rush through it you miss everything.  Slow down and take in the beauty of the world.  It will prepare you for the immortal side of life when enjoying beauty is our favorite past time.

Always choose kindness:  There is never an excuse to be mean.  I know we get frustrated and sometimes that frustration comes out of our mouths in the form of cruel words.  But try to be kind,  Kindness brightens the world.  Meanness darkens it.

Be good to birds, butterflies and other pretty flying creatures:  Angels like to come visit you in the form of pretty flying creatures so pay extra special attention to them because they are more than likely one of your lost loved ones.  We choose these forms because if you saw a flying dog it would freak you out.

Never take a day for granted:  The biggest prayer I hear from parents whose pets are close to crossing the Bridge is to give them one more day.  One day is precious.  Make sure everyone you love knows how much you love them everyday because there will come a day when your loved one won’t be there and you realize how special one more day is.

And finally Believe:  Believe in the Bridge, in a better world, in seeing your loved ones again, in endless love.  If you believe it, then it will come true.  So no matter what you do remember these words from the great prophet.Steve Perry:  Don’t Stop Believing.


  1. Foley, we read your words 3 times and now Mom's looking fur a tissue box. This was beautiful and so well pawed.

  2. This was very beautifully written. Dogs must be wiser at the Bridge or do we just not take the time to appreciate the wisdom of living dogs?

  3. We believe! thank you for this beautiful post
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  4. I love this!!!

    xoxo, Ginger, Matt & Matilda's Mom

  5. Wow! You couldn't have said it any better than that! Right now, we too are going thru the Kleenex box one tissue at a time.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  6. We read this on Monday morning, when mommas heart was hurting for her friend Anne who just lost her Sashy yesterday, mom was trying hard not to cry at work, well now hers is are very talented with your words....stella rose


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?