Friday, June 5, 2015

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Gina and Pepsi

Gina and Pepsi.jpg

I don’t see a lot of humans here.  They have their own special section at the Bridge.  When they cross the River they gather their pups and move to the human side.   Only those who truly love dogs and don’t mind them occasionally flying into their heads stay here.

Gina Busch is one such Mom.   From the moment she crossed the Bridge she rejected all offers to go to the human section.  She was very content to stay in the pet neighborhood and we are very happy to have her.

She has a wonderful home here.  It is one story because we insist on flying up the stairs, and, because we aren’t good flyers, we always hit our heads and knock down pictures.  One story was more practical.

Gina loves to cook for us.  She feeds us steak, and chocolate pudding, all the best human food.  We eat and eat until we are full and seconds later it is like we never and are ready again.  She loves to get down and play with all the pups who come to her house and when you check on her at night she always has a bed full of dogs.

Her house is huge.  I don’t think it ever ends.  That is because Gina keeps taking in pups who cross the River and have never known a human home.  The more dogs she takes in the bigger her house grows,  

Always by her side is her loyal pup Pepsi.  Gina loved Pepsi with all her heart.  When Pepsi tragically crossed the Bridge Gina was already sick with cancer.  When she too passed over Pepsi was waiting for her at the top of the stairs and met her with a huge hug.

(There is a reason the last scene of Titanic is Rose climbing steps to be reunited with Jack with everyone gathered around clapping.  That was lifted directly from Bridge reunions that happen here everyday.   It just happens outside by a river and James Cameron doesn’t take credit for creating it.)

So for those of you left stranded on the mortal side of the Bridge be happy to know that Gina and Pepsi are with us, and Gina is taking care of all your pups, and thousands of homeless pups too,, and she has never been happier.  

And she makes the best chocolate pudding too


  1. It's nice to think that the Bridge is a happy place.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this.
    I miss Gina lots.
    We were good friends on D'S and in FB.
    I can remember her 1st comment to me on FB
    Oh no not another Gemini..We share the same Birthday..I was surprised for I had never meet anyone else with the very same day.. we kiddied.each other saying we were Gemini sister any nd witch we were in truth. We had lots in common and as time went on we had more.. I miss Gina very much..Happy birthday Gina.

  3. That was beautiful. I am also so glad to hear that dogs will be able to eat chocolate pudding some day.

  4. If I ever come to the bridge, I'll stay. It sounds like the very best place ever to have the company of all those beloved animals around. Why would I ever want to leave?

  5. What a wonderful visual!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. While it's sad to lose those we love so much, it's reassuring to know everyone is reunited again.

    Lily Belle & Muffin


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?