Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Rules, Hot Paws by Pocket Dog

As one of the founders of this site and blog with my sister Foley I have long believed in the Freedom to Bark.  But there is another right I fully support.  The Freedom to poo and pee.

I understand humans don’t want us pooping on their lawn, and River and I, along with our parents, try to respect their non pooping wishes, often expressed by a small sign showing a dog in the squat position with a line through it.  Try to respect it being the optimum expression because sometimes when you have to go……

But now there is a new controversy in our village  Two owners are upset because us dogs are peeing on the lawns.  They say the peeing on the edge of their lawn is killing all their grass.  Us dogs here must have some pretty powerful pee.

My parents talked to the property manager.  He is a dog lover too.  He thinks the man who doesn’t want urine in his yard is being ridiculous.  But he is probably going to give in to him since he is making such a big deal about it.

That is one of the differences between humans and dogs.  The dogs that bark the longest and loudest are told to be quiet, the humans that do it get their own way.

We are going to try and follow the rules.  We don’t live far from the big common area in the front.  Our parents are going to try to keep us off the lawns but they aren’t going to let us burn our paws either.  And no big field walking for us either.  We know too well what ticks can do.  We will walk around the perimeter of it but not across it.

I do enjoy walking the parameter in the field.  I don’t just walk, I do a little hop over the grass.  We know most of the humans who live along the route and they are our friends.  They won’t complain if we leave a little pee behind.  A couple of them have pups of their own.  One is a little poodle.  Her parents love us even if I am a little “obnoxious.”

So we can roll with the punches.   We aren’t going over to the mean man’s house and peeing.  Because another new rule is that the humans can’t wash their cars on the property.  And I just happen to have an Angel sister who controls a large amount of pooping birds.  

So if you see an angry old man driving a car covered in poop give him a wave.  He is our cranky neighbor.


  1. You are so right about barking dogs and barking humans.....we will lay on our backs and laugh loud when we see him!!!! Stooopid human.
    stella rose

  2. Doesn't the mean man understand how important pee-mail is in a neighborhood of dogs. He should be banned from all electronic devices and print media.

  3. I gonna give him da wave all right.....along with my middle paw pad! BOL

  4. Some hoomans are not very nice!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    PS - Watch for the addition of our "BAR" page on Wednesday so the latest information on the Blogville Awesome Retreat in June 2016!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?