Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Bizarro Dog Blogging World

There have been so many instances of dogs, owned by bad humans, either being in life threatening situations, like being locked in a car on a hot day, or doing something very bad, like attacking our friend Cinnamon or other pup friends, and I wonder where these dogs come from.  There are no such dogs on Tanner Brigade, Facebook or in the Blogville.  
I did several Internet searches with no success until I found Bizarro Doggie World.  It is like the sites we belong to, but, as it is with Superman, in the Bizarro Doggie World everything is the opposite.

Here is one post:

By Dumbledore “Today I had a great time.  I got to go to the mall with Mommy.  It was kind of hot so Mommy left the window open a crack when she went inside.  I had such a good time alone in the hot car.  When Mommy finally came outside I was lying in the back seat, panting hard and had thrown up a little.  Mommy called me a silly baby and gave me a kiss.  When we got home I drank an entire bowl of water and laid down all day  What a day!”

I left this comment:  “Dear Dumbledore:  Your Mom is either an idiot or she trying to kill you.  Next time she leaves you in the car break the window and take your chances on the street.”
Here is the next post:

By Thunderpants:  “I was sitting in my yard unchained today when I saw a woman walking this annoying little dog down the street.  It looked at me and wagged it’s tail.  Boy that is annoying. So I charged out of the yard, picked that annoying little dog up and shook it..  It’s owner started yelling and was hitting me which was rude!  Then my Mom stood in the doorway and gently called me.  I kept biting the dog until the Mom pulled me off and then she started yelling at my Mommy!  The dog just laid there whimpering.  My Mommy yelled back at the other Mom and called me inside.  She told the other Mom that I had never done that before.  Hah!  I had done it this morning.  I think the dog was all right.  Nothing a little trip to the dogtor won’t fix.  Next time he won’t look at me when he walks by.”

Here is what I posted:  “Dear Thunderpants:  You need to turn all that anger back to the person who made you that way.  All dogs are your friends.  We don’t attack one another.  Maybe snapping at your parents might wake them up to what they have done.  Now please leave other dogs alone.”

I left the bizarro world right after that.  I would like to teach them right from wrong but in the bizarro world no one learns anything.

I am stay here with my friends where there is a lot to learn.


  1. Crikey ..... I think I'll just stay here in Blogville thankyou!! I've met one of those bizzaro types. He took a chunk out of me. It wasn't his fault ..... it was his peeps fault. There's no helping those blokes. Best to stay away, aye??

  2. That is sickening!

    Your Pals,


  3. That is sickening!

    Your Pals,


  4. The bizzaro world sounds a bit like the so-called real world of bad pet owners. Ugh ...not sure how some of these people can live with themselves

  5. As they say, Every pet deserves a home, but not every home deserves a pet!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?