Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday Question

Do you get Christmas gifts and if you do are you given them open or do you unwrap them?

Pocket:  We only get some special food from our parents.  We do have some wonderful friends who send us gifts.  if they are wrapped we just look at our parents until they unwrap them.  


  1. We get gifts...and our silly Mama tries to get us to unwrap them, but, like you, we just look at her and Dad until they open them up and give them to us!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  2. We get a few small gifts, maybe some new antlers, and some tasty treats, and if we are lucky something that is stuffed and squeaks:) No, not wrapped - that's too much work:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. I get my gifts from Mom and Dad unwrapped. The gifts from my friend Franky Furter are usually wrapped but Mom and Dad do those since I have no opposable thumbs.

  4. We do exactly as you do. That's what servants are for!

  5. Dog gift awe wrapped but not brought out until time yo open them.

  6. Oh, I looooooves unwrappin' pressies! OMD, it's the bestest part! PAPERS!!!! I do loves me some confetti!!! You guys don't knows what you;re missin'! If you needs me to open some pressies, I can be there in two shakes of a squirrel's tail!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Mom and Dad usually help us unwrap any gifts we get
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. the mama is the unwrapper in our house... but she always makes a special gift for me with lots of paper, so I'm busy for 2 minutes and she maybe can take a loot at her own gifts (aka two lumps of coal lol)

  9. Oh yes, Santa comes to our house. The day before Christmas Mom empties our toy box and it disappears. Then on Christmas morning it's sitting in the middle of the living room with the lid on tight. After we eat breakfast Dad takes the lid off and our box is full of new toys. We get to choose which ones we want to play with. Mom and Dad laugh because we pull everything out and swap with each other till we each find our favorites.

  10. We get Christmas gifts here and we love tearing open the wrapping paper!

  11. Some get wrapped and some don't - we like to mix it up!

  12. We get Christmas gifts to unwrap and we like to play with everybody's wrapping paper too! Nose licks and love from Moth xx


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