Monday, December 25, 2017

Monday Question

What was your favorite Christmas gift?

Pocket:. Our friend Leo sent us a log stuffie with little stuffie squirrels poking out of it. The log and squirrels are grand fun to play with a


  1. I got six stuffies from 3 different friends. I can't decide which one is my favorite yet. I'll have to go play with all of them again.

    Abby Lab

  2. Antlers - paws down! Merry Christmas!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Fish treats.....but the squeaky toys are also a hit.

  4. The whirly twirly ball tower was a hit here!

  5. I got a new monkey squeaky toy from my guy Arty! and Hazel like the pug pillow Oreo sent to her
    Hazel & Mabel


Poetry Thursday

  We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us When Irish Red was a litt...