Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday Question

What are your family Christmas plans?

My parents go to her family's Christmas party on the 23rd, to her son for Christmas Eve lunch on the 24th.  After that they are home with us to wait for Santa.  Then they go to their daughter's for Christmas dinner.  It is a lot of time away from us but if it makes them happy then we are good with it.


  1. We will be at our home with ALL of the family. Our two human sisters are married with kids and live in the area and our human brother, wife, and son will be here from Texas. We make a big group of 14 humans and 3 furries. Lots of fun, lots of noise, lots of dirty dishes, but a great time for all.

    We hope you all have a happy holiday too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We hope top start a tradition of having Oma visit us on Christmas eve, (since she's been in a nursing home 70 miles away now) have her stay overnight, and the next morning visit the grandson Christmas morning. We just hope the weather cooperates, and Oma doesn't come down with some kind of illness.

  3. We have most of the kids and grandkids over on Christmas Eve for a big buffet feast. One daughter lives 500 miles away and the weather is usually snowy so they stay home
    Hazel & Mabel

  4. We usually go to the river with our friends for about 2 hours...7am-9am....Then we go home for BONES and we let HER go out for the rest of the day!

  5. love your plans!!! we have one too butt the mama said it is a surprise... I know her surprises and I rather look for a hiding place an a helmet...

  6. Everyone comes here...we have decreed it.

  7. Our peeps plan on a special day with us, no real plans, just family time together!

  8. I bet you end up getting some good treats out of it, though!

  9. Our pawrents go to a movie on Christmas Eve and on Christmas morning they go see the gran hoomans. After that they are home with us where the belong.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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