Friday, December 22, 2017

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Foley Takes the 2017 Bridge Angels to Deliver Gifts of the Shleter Dogs

Alright, 2017 Angels, it is time for our most trusted duty, we have to help Santa deliver gifts to all the shelter dogs.  It is going to be a long night with a lot of stops so no shenanigans.  Sydney, you come up here with Santa and me.  You are in charge of the GPS.  Don’t drool on the screen.  We got terribly lost during a similar incident last year.

Barney the cat I want you up here with us too.  Cats are more organized than dogs and less likely to run off if they see a random squirrel.  You are in charge of distribution.  

Okay, everyone holds on, we are taking off.  Now we are airborne.  Everyone make sure they hold on tight and follow Dancer, Prancer, Donna and...Pintus.  Darnit Pintus you are not a reindeer.  Well, it’s too late now.  And you are flying better than Blitzen who might be a bit blitzed.

Noel is going to be our liaison to the shelter dogs when we land.  He never had a true home of his own, so he has shelter experience and will help us when we approach the dogs.

There is the first shelter.  Pintus, we are coming up on it too fast, slow down!  Oh no, we are going to crash.  Wait, we stopped in a hurry.  Oh look, Brutus grabbed the back of the sleigh as slowed us down.  Thank you, Brutus.  You kept us from crashing into the shelter.

Okay, Cocoa Puff it is time for you.  Wow, look at her run across the snow.  Her black fur looks stunning against the white.  Look at her leap; she got right through the window.  Now she is opening the door.   Way to go Cocoa!  They really need to put chimneys on shelters.

Now we need to get the cage doors open.  Where is Tiny?   Hello, there my little friend.  That’s it, get under the door and let all those pups out.  When you need a jailbreak, you always get a Yorkie.

Hi Janey.  Do you have the cookies?  Your Mom made thousands of cookies for all the dogs.  We have to thank her when we get back.  If my Mom ever comes to the Bridge, she will help your Mom, so she doesn’t spend the whole month baking.

We have to get all the dogs lined up to get their presents and….wait!   The dogs are all taking off! 

 Who is leading them?    Beaux Jangles!  You come back here with those dogs right now.  Stop laughing at me, young man!  Now we are going to have to wait until Beaux is done running.   We are going to be way behind schedule.

Nora, get Beaux and bring him back here.  I know you are a good and responsible dog  Look, Nora has them.  Beaux, stop laughing at me.  You are going to have to sit in the back of the sleigh.

We have to get these cages looking beautiful for the holiday.  Don’t worry; I think the shelter workers are getting used to these Christmas miracles.  Here come Dory and Bilbo with beautiful flowers and decorations to make the dogs’ surrounding look homey, at least on Christmas.  Thank the Big Guy what we were blessed with these two wonderful dogs who have made a cold shelter look like Christmas.

Bailey, thank you for getting the dogs lined up again.  You are very good at keeping dogs organized  You had to do that with your pack, and you are a natural.   I am going to make sure Santa knows you have been a very good dog, unlike other dogs.  That’s right I am looking at you Beaux.

Thank you for getting the dogs calmed down Pancho.  I know you have been in a shelter too.  It is very kind of you to tell them that even if they don’t get out of the shelter, they will find marvelous, loving homes at the Bridge.

Now dogs, you are lucky this year.  Here comes Hannah Banana with trays and trays of the most delicious treats you have ever tasted.  She is so sweet to kiss them all on the nose.  I think some of these boys are blushing, but not for long.  You can’t blush and eat at the same time.

Thank you for passing out the napkins Minnie.  You don’t have to clean their whiskers yourself.  I know, this is the night the shelter dogs are treated like royalty.  That is very sweet of you.
Deuce you tell the elves that the dogs are ready for their presents.  I know you will.  You are a good boy.  You deserved better from the mortal world.

And look who is leading the sleigh with all the presents?  It’s Junior Johnson!  Of course Junior would be in charge of giving away the gifts, he is the kindest hearted dog in the world.  Look at his big smile.  He loves making others happy and running through the snow.

Hi Jazzmin!  I see you there on to the top of the sleigh.  Start throwing the gifts of the pups. 

 Remember don’t give them all the gifts because we have a lot of shelters to go to.  What’s that?  Santa said it like a bottomless bag.  Well then share as many gifts as you want.

Thank you for making sure the little ones get their gifts, Otis.  You are very thoughtful, and you do a great job of taking care of little dogs
Cappy, we need you now.  We have to start getting organized for the next shelter.  While we do that Cappy is going to keep the dogs enthralled by singing beautiful Christmas carols for them.  They can hear how much spirit Cappy has with every note.

Sorry shelter pups but it is time for you to back inside.  We wish we could keep you with us all year round, but we are sure there are good parents out there looking for you to make their lives complete.  Dixie has been working inside the shelter to make sure you have lots of blankets and toys for next year and that you have enough food for months.

Before you go back to your cages, Pepper is going to give you each a sweet kiss.  It is going to fill your heart with warmth for months to come.  Thank you for giving them all hugs to Pepper.  That will keep their coats warm too.

Now come Jasper and Sophie Rae with a magic dust that they have created just for you.  They are going to sprinkle it on you. It is called hope.  It will give you the strength you need to survive whatever comes your way and not lose spirit.  No dogs have more spirit than Jasper and Sophie, and they are happy to share it with dogs who live without hope.

Here is sweet Abbie with the gift of wisdom.  Many dogs have trouble getting adopted because they don’t know how to react.  With Abbie’s gift, you will become smarter, do better on walks, and be more appealing to humans.  Wisdom is a marvelous gift.

Lily has left you all a wonderful treat under your pillows for the morning.  When you wake up, you will see the treat, and you will smile just like Lily made her parents smile every morning.

Before we go, MacDougal is going to give you the greatest gift, the one he gave his entire life, joy.  It will keep you happy through the tough times ahead.  MacDougal is sprinkling you with joy power now.  We can see the smiles on your faces.  That makes it all worthwhile.

All right Pintus, lead us out of here, we have lots more shelters to go to tonight.  He we go.

Oh no!  Beaux Jangles, stop playing with those dogs and fly up here.

Boy, this is going to be a hard night.

Before we go, we want to wish all our parents and friends a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year  They know your hearts have been broken this year and the wish you much healing and love in 2018.

Look to the sky tonight.  If you see anything moving that is us flying over you to the nearest shelter.  We would love if you gave us a wave.


  1. What a wonderful tale of christmas at the shelters as our Angel Furbabues made sure to spread their cheer ❤️

  2. A special delivery filled with love!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. What a beautiful site to see, thanks so much for bringing our angels to life to spread cheer to the shelters!!

  4. Tears, tears. We miss our Barney kitty so much. Thank you for including him. Every line was so good, Angel Foley and Mom. Thank you for your inspiring Christmas tale. Merry Christmas to all of our Angels, and to all the shelter furbabies everywhere.

  5. That's such a special delivery and most wonderful!

  6. What a wonderful story with so many fun characters. We were worried about homeless dogs. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

  7. That's an amazing story! Happy Christmas!

  8. A wonderful Christmas story full of love
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. Wow, you angels sure do some impawtent work!

    Happy Merry Everything!

    Murphy & Stanley & Pawrents

  10. Thia is a very special story filled with lots of love!

  11. Such a special Christmas story - thank you. Nose licks and love from Moth xx

  12. We waive to you all every night and blow our kisses to the heavens.

    Mommy Kim


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?