Friday, December 8, 2017

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Welcoming Penny, Charlotte and Noelle

When a pup comes to Rainbow Bridge, they don’t come empty-pawed.  They bring their parent’s hearts with them.  This is unfortunate because humans need their hearts.  Without them they stumble through the day, tears flowing from their eyes, they lose interest in life, barely eating and are in constant pain.  It isn’t our fault that we take their hearts.  They are just returning what they received.

There are three ways for our parents to get their hearts back.  Hearts will slowly grow inside of them unaided, but it can take months or even years.  If the pup who went to the Bridge left a sibling behind, they could help with the rebuilding.  The quickest way is to get a heart transplant is a new pup.

When a dog comes to the Bridge, they immediately begin looking for a new pup for their parents.  The hard part is getting mom and dad to open their lives to a new dog because they know at the end of the road their hearts will be ripped out again.  They have to be reminded that sharing your life with a dog is a ride that is so thrilling, joyous, and full of love it is well worth taking, even knowing that the heart beating inside of them will be gone when the loving little soul sharing their life disappears.

Angel Pepper knew when her mom, Aunt Cathy,  makes up her mind she moves quickly so she could not waste time.  She was doing interviews her first full day at the Bridge, and by her second she found Penny.  Then she pointed her mom in Penny’s direction and when they met Aunt Cathy felt her chest filling with love again.  The pain from the absence of Pepper’s heart could still be felt, but the hole in Aunt Cathy’s chest was gone.

While Aunt Cathy was broken hearted she still had Pepper’s sister Juju living with her, so there was puppy love in her heart.  When Hannah Banana went to the Bridge there was not a shred of her mom’s, Aunt Kim’s heart left.  Hannah also immediately got to work finding Aunt Kim a new pup, but the timing had to be right for her to receive her new heart.  Hannah had to wait five months until Aunt Kim was ready.  When she was, Hannah found little Charlotte.  Aunt Kim, when she went to see Charlotte, was worried the pup would not choose her, which was silly, because Hannah had told Charlotte all about her wonderful mom, and when Charlotte saw her she knew Aunt Kim would be her forever mom.  Another heart transplant was completed.

After living for years with two dogs Aunt Kristi, within eight-month, lost both parts of her heart, which were taken by Junior in December of last year and Chelsea in August.  They were both very anxious to find a new heart for their mom, but she needed time.  Junior and Chelsea strenuously interviewed dogs and even allowed some to meet their mom before vetoing the choice.  It had to be the perfect dog.    Recently they found Noelle, and they made sure Aunt Kristi located her.   When Aunt Kristi and Noelle met Junior and Chelsea held one another tightly as they saw their mom smile in a way she had not smiled in a year.  It was a full-hearted smile full of love.

Welcome to Noelle, Charlotte, and Penny.  You are very lucky dogs.  You have the best dog parents in the world.  I know you will give them beautiful hearts for them that will sustain them for years.

Thank you for saving our friends.


  1. Our mom has had several heart transplants
    Hazel & Mabel

  2. I fink I wuz my momma's heart transplant after Angel Whitley.

  3. Healing the hearts is a most important task!

  4. When we owned a pharmacy business, we had a customer who brought his dog with him everywhere he went. He loved that dog! When the dog crossed the bridge the man was devastated! We thought the man would maybe want to fill his heart with another similar dog. We had been fostering a lab named Dakota and introduced them. But he said he couldn't bear to go through another time when sooner or later Dakota will have to leave him too. We did find a forever home for Dakota. But we never found out if the man ever let another dog into his life. We hope he did.

  5. We are glad to hear that humans don't have to go through life without a heart.

  6. Yes, new pups heal hearts by adding new love.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. So beautiful. And true. And now you've got me bawling again...


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