Thursday, December 9, 2021

Chloe Arrives at Rainbow Bridge


When a single dog lives with an only person, they create an unbreakable bond. Women can discuss their affection for their pup, but men try to fulfill society's version of masculinity and keep their emotions at arm's length.  


Chloe and her dad were a happy pair battling life alone, but then her dad met mama Lori who had a pack of dogs herself; they joined forces to make a family. Chloe was treated as an equal by all the members.  


But, as the years progressed, Chloe began to fade away. Love surrounded her, buoying her spirit and adding time to her life, but as everyone at the Bridge knows, the dark angels will claim you and bring you to your final forever home, and that was true of Chloe too


One night Chloe agreed to go, but on her terms. She did not want her parents to make the most difficult decision; she would cross over independently. The angels provided her the perfect opportunity to pass over. She had an infection treated just as her heartbeats expired. We expected her, and with her brother Tango gathered at the Bridge, waiting for her to cross over, but Chloe never appeared.


She knew that every parent wanted one more day with their pup after they passed. She was going to give her parents extra time with her, even if they didn't realize it at the time. Chloe came home from the doctor, bloody, leaking pus, with medication to help her heel. She was uncomfortable but determined to have one more day with her pack.  


After she gave her parents a final evening, she woke up the following day, got some water, went outside, came back in, and passed over, saving her parents from having to make the hardest decision. It did not ease their shock or grief, but she hopes, when they look back, they will realize why she had to pass that way.


All Chloe's friends, both in real life and the social world, gave her a rousing ovation as she passed over the Bridge. Every angel wished they were strong and brave enough to have lived an extra day. We all recognized the massive effort it took to delay his trip to the Bridge. 


After we become angels, most of us strive to ease our mom's pain, but Chloe will be concentrating on her dad, remembering when she was an only dog and he an only man.


She is very thankful for her mom. She doesn't know if her dad would have survived her passing with no one to share his life with. If they had never met, he would be facing a world without love, and no angel wants that for their parent.


  1. it is true... that bond is unbreakable and lasts forever... and ever...

  2. Chloe....sweet girl may all your days be pain free and full of sunshine and gentle breezes
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. ~~~~~~ awww......

    we send big time hugz two yur familee still heer on earth chloe; most lee two yur dad ♥♥♥♥♥

  4. Healing hugs to your peeps. So sad.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  5. THis one made me weep. Another memory of Hissy old Licorice. He came home from the vet and he too left on his own terms in the middle of the night. (today is also the 11th anniversary of his passing OTB)

  6. Chloe is such a sweetheart, concerned for others first.


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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