Sunday, December 12, 2021

Romeo Crosses the Final Bridge


Romeo was aptly named because he embodies love. Unfortunately, sometimes love ends in tragedy, as did the mortal life of our Romeo, who this week succumbed to illnesses linked to being a senior pup. He left hundreds of broken-hearted Juliet's behind, including the one who had captured his heart, his mom Karen.


For 16 years, Romeo was totally devoted to his mom. Her heart was shattered when his brother Copper, who had fought the dreaded IMHA, went to the Bridge; subsequently, Romeo helped rebuild her broken heart. 


Before departing, Romeo sat down with his sibling Jax and Chipper and told them all his secrets to mend a broken heart. He knew his loss would shatter his mom and wanted his survivors to have every tool available to help his mom carry on without her special boy.  


For most of the year, Romeo has been fighting off the side effects of being a senior. His appetite began to fade, as did his ability to control bodily functions. He would rally and have good days but then be struck by a string of bad ones. His mom watched him and tried to make a difficult determination: Did the bad days outweigh the good? If she only thought of herself, she would have kept him with her forever. But, her love was greater than the need to have him with her. This week, the negatives outweighed the positives, and his mom made the hardest decision.


After scheduling Romeo's Bridge arrival time, he spent his last night at home. His family gathered inside the bright, loving home, and they experienced all the finals: Last meal, last walk, last bedtime, last morning, last time leaving home, and last car trip. Trying to stop or slow them down was like trying to stop the waves from coming ashore. They just keep coming, not caring if they were welcome or how much damage they left in their wake. 


When Romeo was carried to the car for the final trip to the vet, he let out a deep breath sending part of his soul into the atmosphere. Now each breeze would carry a touch of his scent, and he could draw his mom pictures using the sky as a canvas and clouds for paint.


As Romeo faced the final shot, he tried to reassure his mom that there was no reason to cry because his soul was in the sky and his heart in the wind. As long as the sun rose and a breeze whispered by, he would be with her.


At the Bridge, the River of life crashed against the banks. Then the fog lifted, showing Romeo alone crossing the water like a skipping stone. 


The crowd cheered his appearance, and when he arrived on Hobo's Landing, he was swarmed like he had just hit a game-winning homer. It was apt. Romeo, through his mom's writing, had become everyone's hero. The last dog to approach him was Copper, and they had a joyous reunion. 


A million tears created by those mortals who loved Romeo fell from dark clouds making everything look refreshed and anew. Tears cleanse all, even if it takes buckets of them to do so. 


Romeo is here with us at the Bridge and also in the sky and the wind. Every time his mom feels it on her cheek, it is Romeo nuzzling her. His love is represented by the sun in the sky, and he is always with her. 


Romeo's World is without end.  




  1. we hope that every moment feels like a kiss from Romeo for his mom....

  2. Romeo what a handsome your tuxedo furs
    Hugs to your family

  3. We are so sorry for Romeo's family, it is so very hard to lose our friends...


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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