Monday, December 6, 2021

Monday Question


Were you purchased?  Adopted?  Or born into the family?


  1. River: I was in a nice home but my owner didn't think I was doing well in a big pack so my parents adopted me. My parents have purchased all their other pets.

  2. Jakey was adopted and Rosy and I were purchased.
    Happy Monday!
    Sunny, Rosy and Jakey

  3. Mom's grampa's friend started the Humane Society in the City she was born in, back in the 1950s so all of the family pets since then have been adopted, except Cinnamon. Her mom, Ruby, belonged to a friend of our human Dad. Dad went to see the puppies and fell in love.

  4. da phenny is bought from a breeder and da nelly is adopted from a m*ron... a miracle that they go along so well ;O)

  5. Gail paid a breeder good money for me, a fact she used to remind me of when I misbehaved as a puppy!

  6. Firstest I got borned. Then rescued. Adoption came next, but the adopter said that actually cost much monies! The pup above I think came from FAO Schwartz.

  7. Xena: I was born in the home of my "granny" who has been breeding schnauzers her whole life. I think Mommy paid her a lot of money to let me come home and be her pup.
    Lucy: Mom rescued me from going the shelter.
    Riley: Mom Amy saved me from getting killed on the road.
    Chia: I don't really know what happened, but I ended up here. I don't think anyone paid anything for me, but I think I'm worth a zillion dollars!

  8. Our first pet Toto the mighty Mini shorthaired Dachshund was purchased from the breeder. Both of our cats Milky-Way and Madi were adopted from SPCA
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Our Angel Little Bit was a rescue pup. She was the best baby ever.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  10., mackerull was trapped feral...cuzin daiz waz adopted frum her momz bozz at de time ~~~♥♥

  11. Our angel Charisma was adopted from another family who didn't want her any more. Angels Ginger and Joey were purchased from a good friend who was a cocker spaniel breeder. Chester was sort of adopted, but that's a long story.

  12. We all came from very reputable breeders who charge a fair price, not like those pet shops. We all had our hips and eyes tested and verified as good before we came to our forever home. Misty and Timber have the same father and mother but different litters. Lightning comes from the same breeder where we got Angel Thunder and Angel Ciara.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Hi friends, Ojo here! I was adopted!! I was born in Alabama and I lived on the streets and slept under bushes, and then I got caught and put in a shelter where I stayed for a Very Long Time. Finally some people called Rescue thought I looked sweet and took me out. They made it so I couldn't have puppies and gave me lots of shots and put me on an airplane to Canada. The airplane was terrible. When I got off the airplane I stayed with more people for a few days. Then finally I got to meet my Forever People! I wasn't sure about them at first because so many people came and went from my life all the time. I almost ran away. But I decided to stay. Because there was good food and the people were very nice. Now I love my people very much and I have been in my Forever Home with my Forever people for over eight years!

  14. Adopted is our favorite breed, with a nice side helping of stray.


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