Sunday, January 9, 2022

Kiwi Comes to Rainbow Bridge

Social media was a kinder place in the last few years of the new millennium's first decade. That was when I learned of a site for dogs to bark with one another, and I begged my parents to join. I made lifelong friends there, but the problem is that our lives are far too short. 


The angels have re-created that world on the immortal side of life. When humans pass over, they imagine a life with their dogs without end. While Facebook shattered many dog groups with its mass appeal, no one wants to pass over to a land called Facebook. There is too much poking. 


Recently a well-meaning parent asked how many of our original friends were mortal. I hated that question, and anyone still surviving would be close to 15 or older. Such questions awaken the dark angels who are always on the hunt for those overdue to the Bridge. The comment reached the leadership of the evil angels who insisted all the remaining dogs had lived too long and demanded one be brought to their true forever home. 


Unfortunately, the one they claimed was my western Canadian friend Kiwi. She is a little Shih Tzu ball of cuteness who delighted her mom for years, and then when the dark angels claimed her for the Bridge, it broke it with equal force. It's figured it was a Shih Tzu built for adorable but not for battle. 


Kiwi's sister Tiny who preceded her to the Bridge, stood next to me when I swore Kiwi in as an angel. The welcoming committee had planned a dinner for our new friend, but Tiny said it could wait until night. They had an urgent business that needed their immediate attention. 


Kiwi was given her detachable wings and unsteadily flew after her sister towards our industrial center. They landed outside a building, entered, and then went to the corner office, where they found Hattie Mae surrounded by swatches, sewing machines, and paper. She looked up at Kiwi and said she was delighted to see her. 


"My sister is here to help," Tiny stated. 


"Excellent," a relieved Hatte said. "I have a backlog of orders, and I know with help you'll have them completed by dinner time."


When they left the office, a confused Kiwi asked what was happening. "Our mom is a fashionista, and to honor her, I went to work at Hattie's fashion house. I do the winter wardrobe and Lily the summer. It has been such a cold winter that the humans under our influence need more supplies. Now that you are here, we can fill them.


"How is that honoring our mom?" Kiwi asked.


"When she sees a dog in a new jacket, she will know we designed it, and it is our way of saying we love her." They entered a work area even more chaotic than Hattie's and got to work. 


With Kiwi's help, they got all the orders completed by supper time, and then they went to her welcome dinner, where we celebrated her life and arrival. Then Kiwi and Tiny flew into their mom's dreams to show off their creations which she loved.  


It is doubtful she remembered her dreams but recalling that each time she sees a dog in a jacket, it means her angels send their love and will never forget her. 


  1. that was nice that the sisters visited their mom together...

  2. Sometimes, it's best to keep things on the low-down.
    Beautiful Kiwi story.

  3. These posts you write about angels are absolutely truly have a gift and I suspect many angels sitting on your shoulders
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Your stories give great comfort to the people our pups leave behind.

  5. Now I know where our Furred Lil Grrl's new coat came from! She was sporting the nicest new coat this morning! We send loving wishes to Kiwi'a Mom! Barks Cinnamon (another Canadian dog)

  6. That's such a sweet way to get the message to their Mom!


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...